Michel de Certeau (1925–1986) was Directeur d'Etudes at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris and Visiting Professor of French and Comparative Literature at University of California, San Diego.
5 Ebooks by Michel de Certeau
Michel de Certeau: The Practice of Everyday Life
In this incisive book, Michel de Certeau considers the uses to which social representation and modes of social behavior are put by individuals and groups, describing the tactics available to the comm …
Michel de Certeau: Mistiche e filosofie
Michel de Certeau, teologo gesuita e filosofo, in questo testo fa una rassegna dei testi della mistica, attraversando la religione, la letteratura, la poesia e la filosofia: dalla notte dei tempi, da …
Michel de Certeau: Mystic Fable, Volume Two
More than two decades have passed since Chicago published the first volume of this groundbreaking work in the Religion and Postmodernism series. It quickly became influential across a wide range of d …
Michel de Certeau: El extranjero o la unión en la diferencia
‘El extranjero o la unión en la diferencia’ destaca en el conjunto de la obra de Michel de Certeau por la amplitud del público al que se dirige, la intensidad con la que refleja la experiencia vital …
Michel de Certeau: La cultura en plural
En este ensayo, Michel de Certeau se centra en los conceptos de cultura y poder, reflexionando sobre los caminos diversos que toma la cultura para desprenderse del poder dominante. Invita a pensar ot …