This volume contains selected papers, presented at the international c- ference on Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining Conference nd IIS:IIPWM’06, organized in Ustro? (Poland) on June 19-22 , 2006. The event was organized by the Institute of Computer Science of Polish Academy of Sciences, a leading Polish research institution in fundamental and applied research in the area of Arti?cial Intelligence (AI) and of Inf- mation Systems (IS), in cooperation with a number of scienti?c and business institutions. It was a continuation of a series of conferences on these subjects, initiated by Prof. M. D?browski and Dr. M. Michalewicz in 1992. The conference was addressed primarily to those who are active in – ti?cial Immune Systems (AIS) and other biologically motivated methods, Computational Linguistics (CL), Web technologies (WT), and Knowledge Discovery (KD), and all kinds of interactions between those ?elds. Thesubmitted paperscoverednewcomputing paradigms, amongothersin biologically motivated methods, advanced data analysis, new machine lea- ing paradigms, natural language processing, new optimization technologies, applied data mining using statistical and non-standard approaches. The – pers give an overview over a wide range of applications for intelligent systems: in operating systems design, in network security, for information extraction from multimedia (sound, graphics), in ?nancial market analysis, in medicine, in geo-science, etc. Though numerous papers have been submitted, only a fraction of them (about 40%) was accepted for publication in a rigorous reviewing process.
Jadual kandungan
Regular Sessions: Artificial Immune Systems.- Comparing Energetic and Immunological Selection in Agent-Based Evolutionary Optimization.- An Immunological and an Ethically-social Approach to Security Mechanisms in a Multiagent System.- Randomized Dynamic Generation of Selected Melanocytic Skin Lesion Features.- Controlling Spam: Immunity-based Approach.- A Comparison of Clonal Selection Based Algorithms for Non-Stationary Optimisation Tasks.- Regular Sessions: Evolutionary Methods.- On Asymptotic Behaviour of a Simple Genetic xs Algorithm.- Evolutionary Algorithm of Radial Basis Function Neural Networks and Its Application in Face Recognition.- GAVis System Supporting Visualization, Analysis and Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems Using Evolutionary Algorithms.- Regular Sessions: Computational Linguistics.- Gazetteer Compression Technique Based on Substructure Recognition.- WFT – Context-Sensitive Speech Signal Representation.- Regular Sessions: Web Technologies.- Adaptive Document Maps.- Faster Frequent Pattern Mining from the Semantic Web.- Collective Behaviour of Cellular Automata Rules and Symmetric Key Cryptography.- Regular Sessions: Foundations of Knowledge Discovery.- Experiments on Data with Three Interpretations of Missing Attribute Values—A Rough Set Approach.- Tableau Method with Free Variables for Intuitionistic Logic.- A Similarity Measure between Tandem Duplication Trees.- Finding Optimal Decision Trees.- Attribute Number Reduction Process and Nearest Neighbor Methods in Machine Learning.- The Use of Compound Attributes in AQ Learning.- Regular Sessions: Statistical Methods in Knowledge Discovery.- Residuals for Two-Way Contingency Tables, Especially Those Computed for Multiresponces.- Visualizing Latent Structures in Grade Correspondence Cluster Analysis and Generalized Association Plots.- Converting a Naive Bayes Model into a Set of Rules.- Regular Sessions: Knowledge Discovery in Applications.- Improving Quality of Agglomerative Scheduling in Concurrent Processing of Frequent Itemset Queries.- Analysis of the Structure of Online Marketplace Graph.- Trademark Retrieval in the Presence of Occlusion.- On Allocating Limited Sampling Resources Using a Learning Automata-based Solution to the Fractional Knapsack Problem.- Learning Symbolic User Models for Intrusion Detection: A Method and Initial Results.- Multichannel Color Image Watermarking Using PCA Eigenimages.- Developing a Model Agent-based Airline Ticket Auctioning System.- Multi-Label Classification of Emotions in Music.- Wrapper Maintenance for Web-Data Extraction Based on Pages Features.- Poster Session.- Parsing Polish as a Context-Free Language.- MAP a : a Language for Modelling Conversations in Agent Environments.- Definiteness of Polish Noun Phrases Modified by Relative Clauses in the DRT Framework.- DCT Watermarking Optimization by Genetic Programming.- Searching Text Corpora with grep.- Network Traffic Analysis Using Immunological and Evolutionary Paradigms.- Event Detection in Financial Time Series by Immune-Based Approach.- Automation of Communication and Co-operation Processes in Marine Navigation.- Predictive Analysis of the p O2 Blood Gasometry Parameter Related to the Infants Respiration Insufficiency.- Application of Fuzzy Logic Theory to Geoid Height Determination.- Invited Session: Knowledge Base Systems.- On Greedy Algorithms with Weights for Construction of Partial Covers.- Minimal Templates Problem.- The Inference Processes on Clustered Rules.- Extending Decision Units Conception Using Petri Nets.- Towards Modular Representation of Knowledge Base.- Lazy Learning of Agent in Dynamic Environment.- Artificial Neural Network Resistance to Incomplete Data.- Invited Session: Applications of Artificial Immune Systems.- Generalization Regions in Hamming Negative Selection.- How Can We Simulate Something As Complex As the Immune System?.- A Parallel Immune Algorithm for Global Optimization.- Invited Session: Data Mining – Algorithms and Applications.- Data Mining Approach to Classification of Archaeological Aerial Photographs.- Hierarchical Document Clustering Using Frequent Closed Sets.- Mining Spatial Association Rules with No Distance Parameter.- Invited Session: Fundamental Tools for the Lexical and Morphosyntactic Processing of Polish.- Morfeusz — a Practical Tool for the Morphological Analysis of Polish.- Domain–Driven Automatic Spelling Correction for Mammography Reports.- Reductionistic, Tree and Rule Based Tagger for Polish.