Pengarang: Miguel Ángel García March

Aniello Lampo completed his Ph D at the Institute of Photonic Science (ICFO) of Barcelona, focusing on complex quantum systems and quantum-to-classical transition. Currently, he works as junior postdoc at the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of Barcelona, in the Co SIN3 group (Complex Systems @ IN3) and studies diffusion phenomena in social networks. He is also interested in the philosophical and historical aspects of science, such as the political role of scientists and the relation between scientific research and society. Miguel Ángel García March completed his Ph D in Valencia with Albert Ferrando in the Pure and Applied Mathematics Institute (IUMPA), Polytechnic University of Valencia, with Extraordinary Excellence Award. Consequently, he worked as postdoc at IFISC (Mallorca), at Colorado School of Mines (CO, USA), at the University College Cork (Ireland), and at the University of Barcelona. Since 2014 he has been working at ICFO as Research Fellow in the group of Prof. Maciej Lewenstein. His scientific interests include nonlinear optics, singular optics, quantum physics, ultracold atoms, complex and open classical and quantum systems. Maciej Lewenstein joined the Centre for Theoretical Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw in 1980. He completed his Ph D in Essen in 1983 with Fritz Haake and he obtained his habilitation in 1986 in Warsaw. He worked as postdoc at the University of Essen and at the Harvard University with Roy J. Glauber (Nobel prize 2005). He was faculty member of CEA in Saclay (1995-1998), and at the Leibniz University Hannover (1998-2005). In 2005 he moved to Catalonia as ICREA Research Professor to lead the quantum optics theory group at the Institut de Ciències Fotòniques in Castelldefels. His scientific interests include quantum optics, quantum physics, quantuminformation, many body theory, attosecond science, and statistical physics. His other passion is jazz and avant-garde music and he is an acclaimed jazz writer and critic.

2 Ebooks by Miguel Ángel García March

Aniello Lampo & Miguel Ángel García March: Quantum Brownian Motion Revisited
Quantum Brownian motion represents a paradigmatic model of open quantum system, namely a system inextricably coupled to the surrounding environment. Such a model is largely used in physics, for insta …
Iglesias Martínez & Pedro Fernández de Córdoba: Algorithms for Noise Reduction in Signals
This book is the result of an exhaustive review of the general algorithms used for noise reduction using two general application criteria: one-input, one-output systems, and two-input, one-output sys …