I Yin, You Yang provides an introduction to the psychological aspects of traditional Chinese medicine. The author, in his trademark humorous and easily comprehensible style, mainly refers to the systems of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements respectively.
By presenting both systems with many pithy examples from every day life theory can be immediately put into practice. And the largest area of practice is our daily life with its impenetrable network of relationships. Not infrequently these relationships appear like Chinese gobbledygook. In other words: untangling the strands of this network is no mean feat but Mike Mandl tackles it with gusto.
Jadual kandungan
Why an Interpreter Can Be Helpful!
A Little Story About Yin and Yang
The Five Elements
The Five Elements and Personality Types
It’s All About the Mix
The Journey of a 1000 Miles Begins!
The Wood Type
Spring – Wood Time / The Wood Body – a Spring Roll
Three Friends We Are: Aggression, Movement and Space
From Motion to Emotion
The Wood-Plus Type
The Wood-Minus Type
Complaints and Problems of Wood Types
Mental Focus
The Wood Type in a Relationship
The Wood Type at Work
The Fire Type
Summer – Fire Time / The Fire Body – a Firework
The Show Must Go On: Openness, Enthusiasm and an Emotional Rollercoaster
The Meaning of Joy and Sensuality
The Fire-Plus Type
The Fire-Minus Type
Complaints and Problems of Fire Types
Mental Focus
The Fire Type in a Relationship
The Fire Type at Work
The Earth Type
Late Summer – Earth Time / The Earth Body – Earthy and Stable
The Centre as the Mother of Cosiness
A Ravenous Appetite, Curiosity and Digesting It All…
The Earth-Plus Type
The Earth-Minus Type
Complaints and Problems of Earth Types
Mental Focus
The Earth Type in a Relationship
The Earth Type At Work
The Metal Type
Autumn – Metal Time / The Metal Body – a Metallic Sculpture
Building a Castle: Protection, Withdrawal, Concentration, Peace and Quiet
The Tragedy of Hanging On, Letting Go and the Consequences Thereof…
The Metal-Plus Type
The Metal-Minus Type
Complaints and Problems of Metal Types
Mental Focus
The Metal Type in a Relationship
The Metal Type at Work
The Water Type
Winter – Water Time / The Water Body – Eluding Comprehension
Still Waters Run Deep
Constant Dripping Wears the Stone
The Water-Plus Type
The Water-Minus Type
Complaints and Problems of Water Types
Mental Focus
The Water Type in a Relationship
The Water Type at Work
The Relationship Cabaret. Or: Who with Whom!
The Yin/Yang Symbol
Yin and Yang Mutually Depend on Each Other
Yin and Yang Are Never Absolutes
Yin and Yang Are in Constant Change
Each Pole Also Contains its Counter Pole
The Five Elements and Their Cycles
The Nourishing Cycle
The Controlling Cycle
Qualities of the Five Elements
Thank you…
Mengenai Pengarang
Mike Mandl started his Shiatsu study at Tomas Nelissen, who was a direct student of Shizuto Masunaga. Nelissen and Masunaga worked very closely together in Japan, so Tomas’ approach to Shiatsu was always very authentic and rooted in the principles of Zen-Shiatsu. Already during his basic training time Mike assisted Tomas, which was the beginning of an intense and vital cooperation for more than 20 years, till the point, where Mike took over the International Academy for Hara Shiatsu (Vienna) from Tomas, to work on the evolution of Nelissens’ and Masunagas’ legacy. Another big influence in the work of Mike is TCM, which he studied intensively with Claude Diolosa, including clinical praxis in China. With the 5th European Shiatsu Congress, Mike organized on of the biggest Shiatsu events worldwide. Mike Mandl is one of the driving forces of Shiatsu in Europe.
Mike has been doing Shiatsu in a clinical environment for more than 20 years now. Through this close and ongoing cooperation with medical staff and hundreds of specific cases, Mike’s Shiatsu has evolved. He developed a very clean, clear and effective approach, that can prove it’s energetic background even in the most critical clinical setting. Diagnosis and communication skills can point out an easily understandable picture of the energetic situation to doctors and clients likewise. In combination with his intensive work as the main lecturer at the International Academy for Hara Shiatsu, Mike has built up an enormous professional and educational experience, which he shares all over Europe. Mike is a very inspiring and vital Shiatsu lecturer. His dedication and motivation for Shiatsu creates a lot of enthusiasm in his groups.