Pengarang: Mikel Duke

Professor Mikel Duke is the Principal Research Fellow of Membrane Science and Deputy Director of the Institute for Sustainability and Innovation at Victoria University, Australia. He has worked in membrane research for over 12 years and has 92 peer-reviewed publications in this field. His focus is on development of ceramic and polymeric membranes and their processes, specializing in molecular scale diffusion and optimizing functional material parameters. He is the recipient of an Australian Research Council Linkage International Fellowship and an Endeavour Executive Award and the founding chair of the Membrane Society of Australasia. Professor Dongyuan Zhao is Cheung Kong Professor of the China Education Ministry, Vice Director of the Advanced Materials Laboratory at Fudan University and Visiting Professor at Monash University (Australia). He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. With over 350 peer-reviewed papers earning >20000 citations he is the 65th Most-Cited Scientist in Chemistry (according to ISI). His research interests are in the synthesis of porous materials and their application in catalysis, separation, photonics, sorption, environmental decontamination, sensors, etc. Professor Raphael Semiat is the Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Chair in Science, Engineering and Management of Water Resources at Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He has wide industrial experience in research and development of chemical processes. His current interests and activities are centered on water technologies, including desalination, chemical-environmental processes and use of nano particles for removal of organic matter and heavy metals from water. He has published more than 140 papers in scientific journals.

2 Ebooks by Mikel Duke

Mikel Duke & Dongyuan Zhao: Functional Nanostructured Materials and Membranes for Water Treatment
Membranes have emerged over the last 30 years as a viable water treatment technology. Earth’s population is growing and the need for alternative ways to generate potable water is rising. The recent …
Mikel Duke & Dongyuan Zhao: Functional Nanostructured Materials and Membranes for Water Treatment
Membranes have emerged over the last 30 years as a viable water treatment technology. Earth’s population is growing and the need for alternative ways to generate potable water is rising. The recent …