Pengarang: Millard F. Reschke

Since the first orbital flight of John Glenn, investigations have been conducted on the adaptation of nervous functions to space flight Millard Reschke and Gilles Clément have been active in this research, with experiments flown onboard Salyut, Mir, Spacelab, and 30+ flights of the Space Shuttle . This book presents in a readable text and detailed illustrations the findings from these experiments conducted during and after space missions. The authors also identify the neuroscience research that is foreseen onboard the International Space Station and what do we need to learn to understand fully the implications and risks in this area for a human mission to Mars.

2 Ebooks by Millard F. Reschke

Gilles Clément & Millard F. Reschke: Neuroscience in Space
Why write this book? Of all the intricate components of the human body, the central nervous system is the most responsive to the environment, detecting and responding to changes immediately. Its comp …
Alex P. Michael & Christian Otto: Spaceflight and the Central Nervous System
This book consolidates the current knowledge of how short and long-duration spaceflight affects the anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system. It also incorporates the methodology and cons …