Pengarang: Moha Ennaji

Dr. Moha Ennaji is one of Morocco”s leading sociolinguists, with research interests in cultural and gender studies, migration, human rights and civil society.  With a Ph.D. from the University of Essex in Education and Linguistics, he is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Letters, University of Fés, Morocco.  He was Chair of the English Department there from 1988-1994 and is presently the Director of the Doctoral Program in Gender Studies.  Dr. Ennaji is the author and/or editor of numerous books and articles on cultural identity, language and education, migration, civil society and women”s issues.  His most recent articles are “The effects of Migration on Moroccan Women Left Behind” (Lisbon), and “Language Contact and Arabization in Morocco” published bu Curzon (US) in a book edited by Dr. Aleya Roushdy.  Dr. Ennaji has successfully organized many international conferences on civil society, women and education, sustainable development, and has actively participated in seminars and conferences in Europe, the USA, Africa and the Arab world.  he is currently doing research on the evolution of social policy in Morocco, within the research programme of the United Nations Research Institue for Development (UNRISD). His new co-authored book on Media and the Effects of Male Migration on Women in Morocco will soon be published by Afrique-Orient (Casablanca).  He is also the author of over 70 articles published in national and international specialized journals and newspapers.  In 1997, he was editor of Berber Sociolinguistics in the Maghreb, published by teh International Journal of teh Sociology of Language, Mouton de Gruyter.

13 Ebooks by Moha Ennaji

Moha Ennaji: Multilingualism, Cultural Identity, and Education in Morocco
In this book, I attempt to show how colonial and postcolonial political forces have endeavoured to reconstruct the national identity of Morocco, on the basis of cultural representations and ideologic …
Moha Ennaji: New Horizons of Muslim Diaspora in Europe and North America
This book provides insights into some of the social topics related to the homogenization and stereotyping of Muslims. It explores the experiences of Muslims in Western societies, with a particular fo …
Moha (Fes University, Morocco) Ennaji & Fatima (Fes University, Morocco) Sadiqi: Gender and Violence in the Middle East
This book explores the relationship between Islamism, secularism and violence against women in the Middle East and North Africa. Drawing on case studies from across the region, the authors examine th …
Moha (Fes University, Morocco) Ennaji & Fatima (Fes University, Morocco) Sadiqi: Gender and Violence in the Middle East
This book explores the relationship between Islamism, secularism and violence against women in the Middle East and North Africa. Drawing on case studies from across the region, the authors examine th …
Moha (Fes University, Morocco) Ennaji & Fatima (Fes University, Morocco) Sadiqi: Women in the Middle East and North Africa
This book examines the position of women in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Although it is culturally diverse, this region shares many commonalities with relation to wome …
Moha (Fes University, Morocco) Ennaji & Fatima (Fes University, Morocco) Sadiqi: Women in the Middle East and North Africa
This book examines the position of women in the contemporary Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Although it is culturally diverse, this region shares many commonalities with relation to wome …
Moha (Fes University, Morocco) Ennaji: Multiculturalism and Democracy in North Africa
Investigating the connections between multiculturalism, minorities, citizenship, and democracy in North Africa, this book argues that multiculturalism in this region– and in the Arab world at large – …
Moha (Fes University, Morocco) Ennaji: Multiculturalism and Democracy in North Africa
Investigating the connections between multiculturalism, minorities, citizenship, and democracy in North Africa, this book argues that multiculturalism in this region– and in the Arab world at large – …
Moha Ennaji: Maghreb-Europe Paradigm
This book discusses the current socio-cultural situation of North African migrants in Europe, and analyzes migration, gender, and identity in their multiple dimensions, consequences and expressions, …
Moha Ennaji & Jean-Marie Simon: Diversité culturelle et vivre ensemble au Maroc – Historique et Témoignage
S’appuyant sur des études historiques, ethnographiques, sociologiques et linguistiques de Moha Ennaji ainsi que sur le témoignage vivant de Jean-Marie Simon, ce livre attire l’attention du lecteur su …
Moha Ennaji: L’Olivier de la sagesse
Demander l’Independance et n’avoir pas envie de se battre, je trouve que c’est mal eleve. Un peuple qui ne se bat pas pour sa liberte est un peuple indigne de la liberte , disait Lahcen. Lahcen est n …
Moha Ennaji: Culture berbère (amazighe) et cultures méditerrannéeennes
Quels sont nos points forts et points faibles pour intégrer une gestion multiculturelle dans la région méditerranéenne ? Le multiculturalisme est-il un faux débat ? Les obstacles et les défis ne sont …
Moha Ennaji: Managing Cultural Diversity in the Mediterranean Region
This book highlights the various cultures and religions of Mediterranean countries, and discusses issues related to managing diversity and minority rights, and the role of intercultural and interreli …