Elegant and dignified, the Skye Terrier, named for the rugged Isle of Skye, stands tall among Scotland’s ‘below the knee’ terriers in character and courage. Few pure-bred dogs match the Skye Terrier in independence and liberal thinking, as this intelligent terrier has a mind of his own and a heart to share with his like-minded, well-informed keeper, who is not averse to a little humility in the training department. Although not a choice for the first-time dog owner, the Skye Terrier proves to be a loyal and devoted companion to those he loves. Likened to a caterpillar, the Skye has a look all his own, ‘long, low and level’ with a profuse coat that ‘falls straight down either side of the body, ‘ according to the breed standard. The Skye will most assuredly act like a Skye, delighting and challenging his ever-devoted master.
Terrier breed expert and author, Muriel P. Lee provides an up-to-date look at the Skye Terrier, including the breed’s history in England and the United States as well as its character and breed standard. The author also details everything that a new owner needs to know about acquiring a well-bred Skye Terrier puppy, bringing him into a safe home and establishing a house-training and obedience regimen. In addition to the basics of everyday care, including feeding, grooming and exercise, this comprehensive guide also includes up-to-date information on healthcare, written by Dr. Lowell Ackerman, well-known Harvard lecturer and veterinarian.
Lavishly illustrated, this excellent chapter on preventive healthcare advises owners on selecting a qualified veterinarian, controlling parasites, vaccinations and infectious diseases and more.
Mengenai Pengarang
Muriel P. Lee, a well-known author in the pet field industry, started her writing career in the 1980s with the still very popular The Whelping and Rearing of Puppies, A Complete and Practical Guide. She has written many breed-specific books for several publishing houses and is the editor of two international canine magazines, Just Terriers and Just Frenchies.