It is time to take control of your financial life!
In Manage Your Financial Life: A Thoughtful, Organized Approach for Women, Nancy Doyle offers an objective and straightforward perspective based on a wealth of professional and personal experience. She shares a practical and easy-to-understand system for getting organized, analyzing your financial profile, educating yourself about investing, and putting your money to work.
Whether you’re going through a transition—parenthood, home ownership, a new career path, divorce, widowhood—or you simply want a better understanding of how to manage your financial affairs, you will find this comprehensive resource invaluable–and you find yourself coming back to it again and again.
Let’s get started!
Jadual kandungan
Part 1 Get Organized
Chapter 1 Spring-Cleaning
Step 1: Assemble the Tools for the Task
Step 2: Gather Your Information
Step 3: Determine What to Keep and What to Toss Step 4: Implement a System for Keeping Track of Information
Step 5: Consider Some Related Topics
Chapter 2 In Case of Emergency, or ICE
Step 1: Create an ICE File
Step 2: Formulate an ICE Plan14
Part 2 Analyze Your Financial Profile
Chapter 3 Your Personal Financial Statements
Step 1: Create an Income Statement
Step 2: Prepare a Balance Sheet
Step 3: Evaluate Your Cash Flow
Chapter 4 Underwrite Yourself
Step 1: Analyze Your Sources of Income
Step 2: Evaluate Your Debt
Step 3: Have a Plan to Pay Off Debt
Step 4: Examine Your Insurance Coverage
Step 5: Consider Other Risks and Exposures
A Note on Risk Tolerance
Part 3 Educate Yourself About Investing
Chapter 5 Some Fundamental Concepts
Supply and Demand
Yield, Total Return, and Compounding
Reversion to the Mean
Concentration and Diversification
Tax Efficiency
Chapter 6 Investable Assets: What to Invest In
The Capital Markets
Most Common Types of Investable Assets
Other Types of Investable Aassets
Chapter 7 Types of Investment Structures: Ways to Invest
Individual Accounts
Mutual Funds
Exchange Traded Funds, or ETFs
Chapter 8 Types of Investment Accounts: Why to Invest
Taxable Accounts
Retirement Accounts
529 Plans
Putting Everything to Work
Part 4 Invest Your Money
Chapter 9 Determine Your Savings Goals: What Are You Investing For? How Much Do You Need?
Time Is Your Friend
Imminent Need: Emergency Fund
Long-Term Need: Retirement Savings
Intermediate-Term Needs: Down Payment, College, Miscellaneous Needs
How to Get There: Assumptions for Returns and Growing Your Savings
One More Goal: Investing in Others
Chapter 10 Evaluate Your Investing Choices: What Options Do You Have?
Asset Allocation
A Note on Exit Strategies
Chapter 11 Consider Methods: Who Will Do the Investing?
Going Solo
Working with a Professional
Chapter 12 Evaluate Metrics for Potential Investments: Which Investments Are Best?
Performance Metrics
Other Metrics and Factors
Chapter 13 Monitor Your Investments: How Are You Doing?
Look for Overlap Across Your Investments
Going Forward
Mengenai Pengarang
Nancy Doyle, CFA, is the founder of The Doyle Group. She has thirty years of experience in wealth management, investments, corporate finance, and consulting. She is a graduate of Georgetown University and received an MBA from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business.