Pengarang: Nicholas Petreley

Nick Petreley (Kansas City, MO) is the founding editor of Linux World magazine, helped establish Linux World Expo, created andfirst hosted the Golden Penguin Bowl keynote quiz show for the Expo, and is now the Linux analyst for Evans Data Corporation andfounding editor of Var He was one of the firstjournalists to write about Linux, and Red Hat”s own founder Bob Young credits Nicholas as a major force behind making the currentpopularity of Linux possible.Contributors from the Red Hat Press Documentation Team: Tammy Fox, John Ha, Sandra A. Moore

2 Ebooks by Nicholas Petreley

Nicholas Petreley: Official Fedora Companion
* Linux guru Nick Petreley demystifies the most powerful featuresof Fedora, the new Linux operating system from Red Hat* The book is tailored for new users and people upgrading fromprevious Red Hat …
Jono Bacon & Nicholas Petreley: Linux Desktop Hacks
The KDE and Gnome desktops have developed into mature operating environments. These technologies not only act as interfaces between the user, the powerful Linux kernel and GNU operating system, but …