Pengarang: Núria Gala

Núria Gala. Ph D in computational linguistics at Paris Sud University. She worked as a research engineer at Xerox Research Center in Grenoble before being appointed as an Assistant Professor at Aix Marseille University (2004). She currently works with the natural language processing team at LIF (Computer Science Laboratory). Her main research interests on natural language processing focus on the lexicon, building lexical resources and automatic simplification. Reinhard Rapp, Ph D, Marie Curie Fellow at Aix-Marseille University. He previously worked at various institutions in Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Spain, Canada, and England. His research interests are in computational linguistics and cognitive science. His about 140 publications (among them 20 books and proceedings) deal with topics such as machine translation, dictionary extraction from parallel and comparable corpora, statistical language learning, text mining, word sense disambiguation, and thesaurus construction. He has been involved in 15 (mostly international) projects, regularly serves as a reviewer for journals and scientific meetings, and co-organized 14 international conferences, symposia and workshops. Gemma Bel Enguix. Ph D in linguistics at the Rovira i Virgili University (Tarragona). She has been a postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown (Washington, DC) and Milano-Bicocca, and has held a Ramon y Cajal research position in Tarragona. Currently, she is working as a Marie Curie Researcher at LIF at Aix-Marseille Université.

1 Ebooks by Núria Gala

Núria Gala & Reinhard Rapp: Language Production, Cognition, and the Lexicon
The book collects contributions from well-established researchers at the interface between language and cognition. It provides an overview of the latest insights into this interdisciplinary field fro …