Jadual kandungan
List of Figures and Tables
List of Abbreviations
James M. Jasper
Introduction: “So Many as the Stars of the Sky in Multitude, and as the Sand which is By the Sea Shore Innumerable”: European Social Movement Research in Perspective
Guya Accornero and Olivier Fillieule
Chapter 1. The European Movements of ’68: Ambivalent theories, Ideological Memories and Exciting Puzzles
Erik Neveu
Chapter 2. Mobilizing for Democracy: The 1989 Protests in Central Eastern Europe
Donatella della Porta
Chapter 3. A Long Awaited Homecoming: The Labour Movement in Social Movement Studies
Karel Yon
Chapter 4. Beyond Party Politics: The Search for a Unified Approach. Research on Radical Right-wing Movements in Europe
Manuela Caiani and Rossella Borri
Chapter 5. Fields of Contentious Politics: Migration and Ethnic Relations
Manlio Cinalli
Chapter 6. Quiescent or Invisible?: Precarious and Unemployed Movements in Europe
Marco Giugni and Jasmine Lorenzini
Chapter 7. From Antiglobalisation to Global Justice Movement: The Waterloo’s European Battle
Isabelle Sommier
Chapter 8. Theoretical Perspectives on European Environmental Movements: Transnational and Techological Challenges in the Twenty-first Century
Maria Kousis
Chapter 9. From Grassroots to Institutions: Women’s Movements Studies in Europe
Laure Bereni and Anne Revillard
Chapter 10. Social Movements Facing the Crisis
Héloïse Nez
Chapter 11. Social Movements Studies in Britain: ‘No Longer The Poor Relation?’
Brian Doherty, Graeme Hayes and Christopher Rootes
Chapter 12. Precarious Research in a Movement Society: Social Movement Studies in Germany
Sebastian Haunss
Chapter 13. Politics and People: Understanding Dutch Research on Social Movements
Jan Willem Duyvendak, Conny Roggeband and Jacquelien van Stekelenburg
Chapter 14. From Splendid Isolation To Joining the Concert of Nations: Social Movement Studies in France
Olivier Fillieule
Chapter 15. Internationalization with Limited Domestic Recognition: Research on Social Movements in Italy
Lorenzo Bosi and Lorenzo Mosca
Chapter 16. The Land of Opportunities?: Social Movement Studies in Switzerland
Philip Balsiger
Chapter 17. Studying Movements in a Movement-become-state: Research and Practice in Postcolonial Ireland
Laurence Cox
Chapter 18. Successful Social Movement Outcomes without Social Movements?: Research on Swedish Social Movements and Swedish Social Movement Research
Abby Peterson
Chapter 19. Is Spain Still Different?: Social Movements Research in a Belated Western European Democracy
Eduardo Romanos and Susana Aguilar
Chapter 20. Revolutionary or Mild-mannered?: Social Movements and Social Movements Studies in Portugal
Guya Accornero
Chapter 21. From the Centre to the Periphery and Back to the Centre: Social Movements Affecting Social Movement Theory in the Case of Greece
Kostis Kornetis and Hara Kouki
Chapter 22. A Militant Rather than Scientific Research Object: Social Movements Studies in Turkey
Ayşen Uysal
Chapter 23. From Democratization to Internationalization: Studying Social Movements in Hungary
Aron Buzogany
Chapter 24. Social Movements in Pre- and Post-December 1989 in Romania
Laura Nistor
Chapter 25. Social Mobilization and the Strong State from the Soviets to Putin: Social Movements in the Soviet Union and Russia
Alfred Evans and Laura Henry
Conclusions: Social Movement Studies in Europe: Achievements, Gaps, and Challenges
Dieter Rucht