Pengarang: Oren R. Martin

Oren Martin (Ph D, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) é professor assistente de Teologia no Boyce College do Southern Seminary. Martin foi professor de Teologia na Northland International University e atuou na equipe do Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Escreveu artigos e resenhas de livros para várias publicações, incluindo Journal of Evangelical Theological Society, Trinity Journal, Journal of Biblical Manhood e Womanhood e Gospel Coalition. É membro da Evangelical Theological Society.

14 Ebooks by Oren R. Martin

Oren R. Martin: Rumo a Canaã
Neste estimulante estudo, Oren Martin demonstra como, dentro do quadro redentor-histórico do plano de Deus, a promessa da terra avança para o lugar do reino que se perdeu no Éden. Essa promessa també …
Graham A. Cole: Faithful Theology
Everyone has thoughts about God. But how do we know if our thoughts are true?  If we want to know the truth about God, we need a sound approach to incorporating what the whole Bible teaches. In this …
Gerald Bray: The Attributes of God
How can we (created beings) know God (the Creator)? Throughout history, the church has recognized the importance of studying and understanding God’s attributes. As the Creator of all things, God is u …
Scott Swain: The Trinity
Practical Theology for the Church Today The Trinity is one of the most essential doctrines of the Christian faith, as it reveals a magnificent truth about God—that he is one God eternally existing as …
Fred Sanders: The Holy Spirit
A Compelling Introduction to the Work and Person of the Holy Spirit The third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is equal to the Father and the Son, yet he is often overlooked and misunderstood. …
Gregg R. Allison: The Church
What comes to mind when you think of the word church? In this volume, Gregg R. Allison helps define the church and its mission by presenting an overview of the specific doctrines and practices of dif …
Stephen J. Wellum: The Person of Christ
‘From beginning to end, Scripture unveils from shadow to reality that Jesus is God the Son incarnate.’ Some people think of Jesus as a great prophet or a wise philosopher; others see him as an import …
Graham A. Cole: Glorification
How Sanctification Transforms Christians Into Glorified Beings Facing sin, suffering, and an uncertain future, it’s easy to become pessimistic, but believers in Christ know the best is yet to come. G …
Andrew David Naselli: Predestination
A Concise and Systematic Exploration of the Doctrine of Predestination  How can God choose to save some and eternally punish others? What about my loved ones who are not believers? For many, contempl …
Mark D. Thompson: The Doctrine of Scripture
A Clear and Concise Exploration of the Christian Doctrine of Scripture The Bible is the written word of the living God. He speaks through this word, working in and through human agents as he reveals …
Jeremy Treat: The Atonement
A Concise Introduction to the Doctrine of the Atonement The atonement is central to Christian theology and essential for following Jesus. In this addition to the Short Studies in Systematic Theology …
Thomas R. Schreiner: Justification
A Clear and Concise Exploration of the Doctrine of Justification from Thomas R. Schreiner When we see the fallenness of the world, it is often challenging to understand how sinners can stand before a …
Jason S. DeRouchie & Oren R. Martin: 40 Questions About Biblical Theology
To understand what the entire Bible teaches about any given subject, we must practice biblical theology. By surveying the whole canon of Scripture, we can best discern what God has revealed about any …
Graham A. Cole: Theological Method
How to Be Certain That Your Understanding of God Reflects the Truth of Scripture If we want to know the truth about God, we need a sound approach to incorporating what the whole Bible teaches. In thi …