Edmund Husserl, generally regarded as the founding figure of phenomenology, exerted an enormous influence on the course of twentieth and twenty-first century philosophy. This volume collects and translates essays written by important German-speaking commentators on Husserl, ranging from his contemporaries to scholars of today, to make available in English some of the best commentary on Husserl and the phenomenological project. The essays focus on three problematics within phenomenology: the nature and method of phenomenology; intentionality, with its attendant issues of temporality and subjectivity; and intersubjectivity and culture. Several essays also deal with Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology, although in a manner that reveals not only Heidegger’s differences with Husserl but also his reliance on and indebtedness to Husserl’s phenomenology.
Taken together, the book shows the continuing influence of Husserl’s thought, demonstrating how such subsequent developments as existentialism, hermeneutics, and deconstruction were defined in part by how they assimilated and departed from Husserlian insights. The course of what has come to be called continental philosophy cannot be described without reference to this assimilation and departure, and among the many successor approaches phenomenology remains a viable avenue for contemporary thought. In addition, problems addressed by Husserl—most notably, intentionality, consciousness, the emotions, and ethics—are of central concern in contemporary non-phenomenological philosophy, and many contemporary thinkers have turned to Husserl for guidance. The essays demonstrate how significant Husserl remains to contemporary philosophy across several traditions and several generations.
Includes essays by Rudolf Bernet, Klaus Held, Ludwig Landgrebe, Dieter Lohmar, Verena Mayer and Christopher Erhard, Ullrich Melle, Karl Mertens, Ernst Wolfgang Orth, Jan Patočka, Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl, Karl Schuhmann, and Elisabeth Ströker.
Jadual kandungan
John J. Drummond and Otfried Höffe | 1
Part I Phenomenology and its Methodology
1. The Problem of Psychologism and the Idea of a Phenomenological Science
Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl | 15
2. Husserl’s Phenomenology and the Motives Leading to Its Transformation
Ludwig Landgrebe | 49
3. What Is Phenomenology?
Jan Patočka | 84
4. The Phenomenological Method of Eidetic Intuition and Its Clarification as Eidetic Variation
Dieter Lohmar | 110
Part II Aspects of Intentionality
5. Intentionality and the Intentional Object in the Early Husserl
Karl Schuhmann | 141
6. The Significance of Objectifying Acts in Husserl’s Fifth Investigation
Verena Mayer and Christopher Erhard | 163
7. Objectifying and Nonobjectifying Acts
Ullrich Melle | 193
8. The Phenomenology of Time Following Husserl
Klaus Held | 209
9. Phenomenological Concepts of Untruth in Husserl and Heidegger
Rudolf Bernet | 239
Part III Subjectivity and Culture
10. Husserl’s Phenomenology of the Monad: Remarks on Husserl’s Confrontation with Leibniz
Karl Mertens | 265
11. Husserl’s Phenomenology: Philosophia Perennis in the Crisis of European Culture
Elisabeth Ströker | 288
12. Philosophy of Culture and Cultural Anthropology as Transcendental Phenomenology
Ernst Wolfgang Orth | 307
Acknowledgments | 343
List of Contributors | 345
Index | 349
Mengenai Pengarang
John J. Drummond is the Robert Southwell, S.J. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and the Humanities at Fordham University.