Detlef Bahnemann is a Professor at the Institute for Technical Chemistry, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, and Director of the Laboratory for Photoactive Nanocomposite Materials at Saint-Petersburg State University, Russia. He has worked in the field of photocatalysis for over 30 years.
2 Ebooks by Panagiotis Lianos
Dionysios D Dionysiou & Gianluca Li Puma: Photocatalysis
From environmental remediation to alternative fuels, this book explores the numerous important applications of photocatalysis. The book covers topics such as the photocatalytic processes in the treat …
Werner J. Blau & Panagiotis Lianos: Molecular Materials and Functional Polymers
The articles in this book summarize the work presented at the final workshop of the COST (European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research) Action on Molecular Materials and Fun …