Pengarang: Pascal Pichonnaz

Ye ş im M. Atamer is a full professor of Private Law and Comparative Private Law. Her main areas of research are consumer law, law of domestic and international sale of goods, and contract law and theory. Atamer has been a visiting scholar/professor at Basel, Bern, Bucerius, Harvard, and NYU law schools as well as at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law. She is elected member of the Science Academy (Turkey); the International Academy of Comparative Law, and the International Academy of Commercial and Consumer Law. Atamer serves also on the CISG Advisory Council since 2013. Pascal Pichonnaz is a full professor for Swiss and Comparative Contract Law, European Consumer Law and Roman Law. He has been visiting scholar/professor at Georgetown, Paris 2, University of Rome 2, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Montpellier, Liège, Istanbul Bilgi University, Trento law schools. He is the editor in chief of the Revue de droit suisse/Zeitschrift für Schweizerisches Recht, and member of several editorial boards of Swiss and International Journals. Among others he is elected member of the Council of the European Law Institute (ELI) and the International Academy of Comparative Law. He serves regularly as arbitrator in commercial matters and as elected arbitrator of the CAS. Pichonnaz serves also as the acting President of the (Swiss) Federal Consumer Commission.

7 Ebooks by Pascal Pichonnaz

Franz Werro & Pascal Pichonnaz: Les responsabilités fondées sur le risque
Les responsabilités fondées sur le risque soulèvent des questions théoriques qu’on ne traite que rarement. Celles-ci revêtent pourtant une grande importance pratique, comme l’a montré le colloque du …
Louise Gullifer & Pascal Pichonnaz: Set-Off in Arbitration and Commercial Transactions
This book considers the issues involved in international commercial disputes where set-off has been used. Most such disputes are conducted through arbitration so the focus of this book is on the effe …
Louise Gullifer & Pascal Pichonnaz: Set-Off in Arbitration and Commercial Transactions
This book considers the issues involved in international commercial disputes where set-off has been used. Most such disputes are conducted through arbitration so the focus of this book is on the effe …
Yeşim M. Atamer & Pascal Pichonnaz: Control of Price Related Terms in Standard Form Contracts
This book explores various approaches around the world regarding price term control, and particularly discusses the effectiveness of two major paths: ex ante regulatory and ex post judicial intervent …
Vincent Brulhart & Christine Chappuis: Le nouveau droit de la prescription
Le présent ouvrage fait suite au colloque du droit de la responsabilité civile qui a eu lieu à Fribourg le 8 novembre 2019 sous la direction de Franz Werro, Pascal Pichonnaz et Christine Chappuis. Il …
Pascal Pichonnaz & Hubert Stöckli: Le droit sans frontières – Recht ohne Grenzen – Law without borders
Pour célébrer les 65 ans du professeur Franz Werro, la Faculté de droit de Fribourg publie les contributions de 56 auteurs, issus de plusieurs continents et de nombreux pays et horizons juridiques, p …
Franz Werro: La RC en arrêts et une nouveauté législative de taille
Le présent ouvrage fait suite au colloque du droit de la responsabilité civile qui a eu lieu à Fribourg le 7 avril 2022 sous la direction de Franz Werro, Pascal Pichonnaz et Christine Chappuis. Il ré …