Mesoscale Meteorology in Mid-Latitudes presents the dynamics of mesoscale meteorological phenomena in a highly accessible, student-friendly manner. The book’s clear mathematical treatments are complemented by high-quality photographs and illustrations. Comprehensive coverage of subjects including boundary layer mesoscale phenomena, orographic phenomena and deep convection is brought together with the latest developments in the field to provide an invaluable resource for mesoscale ...
Jadual kandungan
Series Foreward xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
List of Symbols xvii
PART I General Principles 1
1 What is the Mesoscale? 3
1.1 Space and time scales 3
Mengenai Pengarang
Paul M. Markowski is an American meteorologist and leading expert on tornadogenesis and the forecasting of supercells and tornadoes. He was a principal investigat...