Visual coverage of the latest Apple hardware and software, including the most popular programs Fully updated to cover all the latest changes and features that Macs have to offer, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Macs, 2nd Edition aims at helping visual learners get the most from their Mac hardware and software. Whether you’re switching from a Windows machine to a Mac or you’re a veteran Mac user looking tomaximize all that your system has to offer, this visual guide walksyou through everyt...
Visual coverage of the latest Apple hardware and software, including the most popular programs Fully updated to cover all the latest changes and features that Macs have to offer, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Macs, 2nd Edition aims at helping visual learners get the most from their Mac hardware and software. Whether you’re switching from a Windows machine to a Mac or you’re a veteran Mac user looking tomaximize all that your system has to offer, this visual guide walksyou through everything from managing your photos in i Photo, creating award worthy home movies with i Movie, browsing the Webwith Safari, exploring the ever growing i Tunes store, and syncingpopular mobile devices like an i Phone or i Pad.* Targets visual learners interested in getting the most fromtheir Mac* Boasts full-color screen shots and illustrations as well asstraightforward, step-by-step instructions* Demonstrates how to manage your photos in i Photo, create movieswith i Movie, browse the Web, explore the i Tunes store, and sync upwith an i Phone or i Pad* Walks you through basic productivity, maintenance, andtroubleshooting for a Mac* Transitions you from working with a PC to a Mac Teach Youself VISUALLY Macs, 2nd Edition puts you well onyour way to confidently making the most of your Mac.