This second edition maintains a focus on integrated biomaterials, computer-aided design, and physical prototyping techniques as examples of the materials and applications that are found in medical environments. All original chapters, written by renowned experts in the field, have been updated along with the addition of four new chapters on:
- Smart insoles
- Medical applications of additive manufacturing
- Additive manufacturing in craniofacial applications
- Additive manufacturing in hearing aids
This wide-ranging treatise on biomaterials and prototyping applications in medicine also focuses on solid freeform fabrication, rapid prototyping, layered manufacturing, and computer-aided design in the development of prosthetic devices. This book is a must-have for bioengineers seeking a comprehensive overview of this important subject and examples of medical applications, as well as researchers and academics in the same field.
Jadual kandungan
Metallic and Ceramic Biomaterials: Current and Future Developments.- Polymers, Composites and Nano Biomaterials: Current and Future Developments.- Polyurethane Based Materials with Applications in Medical Devices.- Rapid Prototyping of Hydrogels to Guide Tissue Formation.- Engineered Scaffold Architecture Influences Soft Tissue Regeneration.- Customized Implants for Bone Replacement and Growth.- Direct Digital Manufacturing of Complex Dental Prostheses.- Digital Design and Fabrication in Dentistry.- The Development of an Artificial Finger Joint.- Computer-Aided Development of Mega Endo-Prostheses.- Smart Insoles.- Medical Applications of Additive Manufacturing.- Additive Manufacturing in Craniofacial Applications.- Additive Manufacturing in Hearing Aids.
Mengenai Pengarang
Paulo Bartolo is Professor of Advanced Manufacturing Processes at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal), Adjunct Professor at Queensland University of Technology (Australia), Visiting Professor at Nanyang University (Singapore), and Professor of Biomaterials (Catedra UNESCO) at the University of Habana (Cuba). He is a CIRP (The International Academy of Production Engineering) member, Vice-Chairman of the CIRP Scientific Technical Committee on Electro-Physical and Chemical Processes, GARPA (Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations) Portuguese Representative and Member of the Direction Board of the International Society of Biomanufacturing, Scientific advisor of the Research Institute in Biofabrication (BIOFABRIS) funded by the Brazilian Government and regional coordinator of the working group of Rapid Manufacturing Platform.
Bopaya Bidanda is the Ernest E. Roth Professor and Chairman of the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh. His research is in the area of manufacturing systems with a special focus on group technology, reverse engineering, cellular manufacturing, lean manufacturing, human issues in manufacturing, product development, and manufacturing modernization.