Instead of thinking of Human Resources as a kind of upgraded personnel department it can be thought of as an analogue to marketing. Just as the Chief Marketing Officer curates an experience to get the best lifetime value from customers, the head of HR can curate an experience to get the best lifetime value from employees.
This book explores this new model and titles its leader as ‘The CMO of People.’ This new title encapsulates a business focused people function that has learned from the proven tools of the marketing function. The CMO of People creates a predictable and immersive employee experience that drives productivity and performance. In this pathbreaking book, Peter Navin and David Creelman discuss
- How to create a predictable and immersive end-to-end experience for employees
- How a CMO of People can overcome barriers and drive performance
- Why we need to structure the HR department differently
- How to find unconventional people to staff this unconventional model
For a review of the book on the HR Bartender blog click here:
Jadual kandungan
Chapter 1: What Is a “CMO of People”? 1
Being Serious about the Concept of Brand 4
The Link from Employee Experience to Productivity and Performance 5
Not Rocket Science 5
What Kind of Person Becomes a CMO of People? 6
The Role of the CEO 7
Ideas to Watch for 8
What Can You Do Today? 9
Chapter 2: Impacting the Business as a CMO of People 11
What Impact Can an Elevated HR Function Deliver? 11
How a CMO of People Handled the 2008 Downturn 13
The Opportunity in a Nutshell 13
What Can You Do Today? 14
Fundamentals of the CMO of People Model 14
1. Understanding of the Brand 14
2. Range of Functions that Are Included in the HR Organization 15
3. Criteria for Success (Deciding What Not to Do) 16
What Can You Do Today? 17
Putting a Dollar Figure on the CMO of People’s Impact 17
How This Dollar Amount Changes How the Board Sees the Top HR
Role 18
What Leaders from Outside HR Say about Its Impact 18
Collaboration as an Action, Not a Value 18
What Can You Do Today? 19
Priorities of a New CMO of People 19
What Can You Do Today? 21
Stories that Tell the Tale 21
Services-Focused HR: The Millions that Didn’t Matter 21
Niceness-Focused HR: Free Cookie Day 22
What Can You Do Today? 22
The CMO of People Organization Chart 23
Notable Features of the Organizational Design 23
What Can You Do Today? 24
Examples of How the CMO of People Drives High Performance 24
A Shift from a U.S.-centric to a Global Business at Docu Sign 24
Managing Explosive Growth Required Discipline, But Not Genius 26
What Can You Do Today? 26
The Product Approach to HR Deliverables 27
Applying Product Thinking to Office Design 27
Applying Product Thinking to Town Hall Meetings 28
What Can You Do Today? 30
Challenges of Bringing the CMO of People Model to an Organization 30
Why Docu Sign and Shutterfly Embarked on This Journey 30
How Other Managers Reacted 31
The Need to Elevate Collaboration 31
What I Did Wrong 32
What I Did Right 32
What Can You Do Today? 33
Takeaways 33
Chapter 3: How a CMO of People Designs the End-to-End Employee
Experience 35
Why the End-to-End Concept Is So Useful for the CMO of People 35
Organizing Principles 35
Why It’s a Competitive Weapon 36
What Can You Do Today? 37
How to Map the Employee Experience 37
Design Perspective 39
What Can You Do Today? 39
The Importance of “Predictable” and “Immersive” 39
A Predictable Experience 39
An Immersive Experience 40
Isn’t This Pretty Basic Stuff? 40
What Can You Do Today? 41
How to Create the Discipline Needed to Make the End-to-End Experience a
Reality 41
The Concept Is Straightforward; Why Don’t All Companies Apply
It? 41
Ongoing Corralling of Executives 41
A Rolling 18-Month Strategy 42
What Can You Do Today? 44
How to Create a Brand Book 44
What Can You Do Today? 45
How to Design the Job of Employee Brand Director 45
Creating the Role of Employee Brand Director 45
Issues an Employee Brand Director Might Consider 45
What Can You Do Today? 46
The Concept of Sustainable Foundations 46
Sustaining Rather Than Launching 47
What Can You Do Today? 48
Doing It Right the First Time versus Iterating Forward 48
Things to Get Right the First Time 48
Where to Iterate Your Way Forward 49
What Can You Do Today? 50
Making It Happen 50
What Can You Do Today? 50
Outside Perspective: Gregg Gordon 51
Takeaways 52
Chapter 4: New Points of Leverage 53
A Non-Traditional View of HR Leverage 53
Pragmatism over Sophistication 53
What Can You Do Today? 54
Using the Relationship with the CMO to Get Results 54
Using the Leverage that Comes from a Strong Relationship 55
Not Everyone Buys into This Model 55
How to Build the Collaborative Relationship 55
Where Do Companies Go Wrong on the Employment Brand? 56
Can the CMO of People Go Too Far? 56
What Can You Do Today? 57
Using the Relationship with the CFO as a Lever 57
What Can You Do Today? 58
Using Real Estate and Workplace Services as a Lever to Enhance the
Employee Experience 59
Challenges to Using this Source of Leverage 60
Design Perspective 60
What Can You Do Today? 61
How CSR Strengthens an Immersive Experience 61
Employee-Centered CSR 61
Integrating CSR with Sales and Marketing 62
Drawing Lessons from the Philosophy Behind These Initiatives 63
What Can You Do Today? 63
Lessons in Elevating the HR Function 63
What Can You Do Today? 64
Takeaways 64
Chapter 5: Why Analytics Comes First 67
Why Analytics Comes is a Priority 67
How to Get Started on Analytics in a Growth Company 68
Pointing the Analytics Team in the Right Direction 68
Test and Iterate 69
Design Perspective 69
What Can You Do Today? 70
An Analytics Dashboard 70
How We Used the Dashboard 77
Going from the Initial Dashboard to a More Advanced Version 77
What Can You Do Today? 78
Top-of-Funnel Analytics for Talent Acquisition 78
Strategic Question 1: How Can I Prevent Bottlenecks in the Hiring
Process? 78
Strategic Question 2: How Can I Increase the Efficiency of the Hiring
Process? 79
Strategic Question 3: How Quickly Is the Sales Team Ramping Up
Sales? 79
What Can You Do Today? 79
Lifecycle Analytics for Brand and a Predictive, Immersive Experience 80
Other Metrics Used to Assess the Employee Experience 81
Marketing Parallels 83
Frequency 83
An Illustration 83
What Can You Do Today? 84
Lifecycle Analytics for Corporate Social Responsibility 84
What Can You Do Today? 85
Lifecycle Analytics for Real Estate and Workplace Services 85
Workplace Services 85
Real Estate 86
Measuring Results 87
What Can You Do Today? 87
Business Impact Analytics about Impact, Efficiency, and ROI 88
The Impact of HR Work 88
The Efficiency of Your Team 89
Overall ROI of a Project 89
What Can You Do Today? 90
Outside Perspective: David Green 90
A Culture of Analytics 90
How to Hire Data-Savvy HR Pros 91
Ensuring People Analytics Has an Impact 91
Takeaways 92
Chapter 6: Case Study on a Mosaic of Measures 93
Guiding the Strategic Conversation on Talent 93
Starting with the End in Mind 94
Setting the Stage 94
A Model of the Constraints on Hiring 96
Jumping to the Conclusion 97
Drilling Down on Capacity 98
Drilling Down on Volume 99
Drilling Down on Time 101
What You Can Learn from This Presentation 103
Takeaways 103
Chapter 7: How We Handled HR Technology and Processes 105
Why HR Technology Is a High Priority 105
What Happens When Technology Is Prioritized 106
Implications for Choosing Technology 106
Yet in the End It’s Not About Technology, It’s About Outcomes 107
Design Perspective 107
What Can You Do Today? 107
How Technology Fits with HR Analytics 108
The Link Between Technology and Analytics 108
Powerful Questions, Before Powerful Tools 110
Low Tech, Big Impact 110
What Can You Do Today? 110
Examples of How We Built an HR Technology Infrastructure 111
But It’s Not Always That Clean 112
What Can You Do Today? 112
Takeaways 112
Chapter 8: Unconventional HR Leaders and the Role of the CEO 115
Why Your Company Might Want an Unconventional CHRO 115
Do CEOs Know What They Want? 116
What Can You Do Today? 116
How to Convince a Non-HR Professional to Lead HR 116
What It’s Like to Be CHRO for Someone with a Non-Traditional
Background 117
What Type of Experience Makes for a Good Non-Traditional
CHRO? 118
What Can You Do Today? 118
Is the CMO of People Role Right for You? 119
Do the views of Baldassari and Reses resonate with you? 119
What Can You Do Today? 120
How to Grow HR Leaders Who Understand Business 120
Hiring HR Professionals Who Can Grow into Business-Savvy
Leaders 121
Formative Developmental Experiences 121
The Right Expectations 122
What Can You Do Today? 122
How It Can All Go Wrong 123
The Need to Respect the HR Profession 123
The CXO Delusion 124
What Can You Do Today? 124
A Method for Mitigating Risk 125
Why “Test-and-Learn” Isn’t a Normal Thing to Do 127
Why Make a Commitment to Doing These Difficult Things? 127
What Can You Do Today? 128
What Should a CEO Ask of HR? 128
What Can You Do Today? 129
8.8 How the CEO Contributes to the CMO of People’s Success 130
What Can You Do Today? 130
Takeaways 130
Chapter 9: How to Build an Unconventional HR Team 133
Choosing an Unconventional Team 133
The Three Top Skills to Look for in Unconventional HR Staff 133
Three Other Skills I Value in an HR Team 134
Design Perspective 135
What Can You Do Today? 135
Attributes of Unconventional HR Professionals and Where to Find
Them 135
Unconventional Recruiters 135
Unconventional Learning and Development Experts 136
Unconventional Compensation and Benefits Pros 136
Unconventional HR Business Partners 137
Unconventional Strategic Real Estate People 137
Unconventional Analytics Specialists 138
Unconventional Employment Brand People 138
What Can You Do Today? 139
Overcoming Barriers to Recruiting an Unconventional Team 139
What Can You Do Today? 140
Building Instead of Buying an Unconventional Team 141
What Can You Do Today? 141
Takeaways 141
Chapter 10: Contrasting Models for the Future of HR 143
Contrasting Models for the Future of HR 143
A Quick Review of the CMO of People Model 143
What Can You Do Today? 144
Blow Up HR 144
Peter Cappelli’s View on Blowing Up HR 144
Ram Charan’s View 145
Comparison to the CMO of People Model 145
What Can You Do Today? 145
HR from the Outside In 146
What Can You Do Today? 147
Beyond HR 147
What Can You Do Today? 148
What Can You Do Today? 150
Lead the Work: Navigating a World Beyond Employment 151
What Can You Do Today? 152
Synthesizing the Models 152
The First Common Element: Elevating the Function 152
The Second Common Element: Business Focus 153
What Can You Do Today? 153
Outside Perspective: Dan Schawbel 154
Top Trends for the New Generation of Workers 154
Bewilderment or Irrelevance? 155
How a Business-Focused Framework Brings Relevance 155
Takeaways 156
Chapter 11: Conclusions 157
Summarizing the Pivotal Ideas 157
What Can You Do Today? 160
Four Ways to Move Things Forward 160
Find Some Allies 160
Engage the CEO 160
Start Hiring the Skills You Need 160
Get a Highlighter and Review the “What Can You Do Today?”
Sections 161
What Can You Do Today? 161
How These Ideas Will Unfold in the Marketplace 161
What Can You Do Today? 162
Closing Advice 162
What Can You Do Today? 162 Appendix A 163
Index 239
Mengenai Pengarang
Peter Navin, CHRO, Grand Rounds, Inc., San Francisco, USA;
David Creelman, CEO, Creelman Research, Toronto, Canada