Hans-J. Lenz received his doctorate (Dr. rer. pol. in Statistics and Operations Research) at the Freie Universität Berlin in 1973. He completed his venia legendi (post-doctoral degree) in Statistics and Operations Research at the same university in 1976. From 1978-2008 he was Professor of Applied Computer Science and Statistics at the Freie Universität Berlin. In 1978 he refused a professorship of Statistics at the University of Bonn. During his sabbaticals in 1993 and 1996-97 he was a visiting professor at Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab, Dept. of Computer Science Research and Development, Berkeley, USA. He has published or co-edited more than twenty books and some 350 technical papers. In 2005 the Romanian Statistical Society appointed him an honorary member, and in 2008 he received the golden medal of the Freie Universität Berlin for his long years of service.
Wolfgang Schmid studied Mathematics at the University of Ulm, Germany. He received his diploma in 1982 and doctorate in 1984 with a thesis on “Localization of outliers in autoregressive processes.” In 1991 he completed his post-doctoral studies with a paper on “Outlier Tests and Outlier Identification in Time Series” and the venia legendi for Mathematics. After stays in Ulm, Trier and Stuttgart he became a full professor of Statistics at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) in 1995. Wolfgang Schmid is the author of over 100 research papers in statistics. His main research areas are statistical process control, statistics in finance and environmetrics. He is currently associate editor of Sequential Analysis and of ASt A-Advances in Statistical Analysis. Since 2008 he has been a board member of the German Statistical Society.
Born in 1937, Peter-Theodor Wilrich studied Electrical Engineering in Hamburg and Aachen and received his Engineering diploma in 1961. He earned a further diploma in Industrial Engineering in 1984 and his doctorate with adissertation in the field of queuing theory in 1987. From 1972 until 1976 he was associate professor at the Technical University of Aachen’s Institute of Statistics. He later became full professor of statistics at the Freie Universität Berlin’s Institute of Statistics and Econometrics, where he worked until his retirement in 2002. His fields of interest include statistical quality control, industrial applications of statistical methods, and experimental design, especially problems of accuracy of measurement and inter-laboratory tests.
He is a member of the International Statistical Institute, an honorary member of the German Statistical Society and a fellow of the American Society for Quality.
8 Ebooks by Peter-Theodor Wilrich
Hans-Joachim Lenz & Peter-Theodor Wilrich: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 8
In Canada, acceptance sampling has been used in legal metrology applications for nearly four decades. One of its principal uses has been in the quality control of utility meters that measure electric …
Hans-Joachim Lenz & Peter-Theodor Wilrich: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 9
The twenty-three papers in this volume are carefully selected, reviewed and revised for this volume, and are divided into two parts: Part 1: ‘On-line Control’ with subchapters 1.1 ‘Control Charts’ an …
Hans-Joachim Lenz & Wolfgang Schmid: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 10
The 10th International Workshop on Intelligent Statistical Quality Control took place in Seattle, USA, Aug 18-20, 2010. It was hosted by Professor C. M. Mastrangelo, Department of Industrial and Syst …
Hans-Joachim Lenz & Peter-Theodor Wilrich: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 6
In the 1920’s, Walter Shewhart visualized that the marriage of statistical methods and manufacturing processes would produce reliable and consistent quality products. Shewhart (1931) conceived the id …
Hans-Joachim Lenz & Peter-Theodor Wilrich: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 5
Like the preceding volumes, and met with a lively response, the present volume is collecting contributions stressed on methodology or successful industrial applications. The papers are classified und …
Hans-Joachim Lenz & G. Barry Wetherill: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control
Like the first three volumes, published in 1981, 1984 and 1987 and met with a lively response, the present volume is collecting contributions stressed on methodology or successful industrial applicat …
Hans-Joachim Lenz & Peter-Theodor Wilrich: Frontiers in Statistical Quality Control 7
This volume treats the four main categories of Statistical Quality Control: General SQC Methodology, On-line Control including Sampling Inspection and Statistical Process Control, Off-line Control wi …