A series of poems from a Hebrew Israelite woman of the tribe of Judah, which highlights her experiences. Showcasing the culture created through the enlightening journey of her mysterious adulthood. Join the sojourn as she explores with the past and present through, ‘Adulthood of Mystery: A Cultured Peace State of Mind’.
To gain a culture You must be the passport to create the aura. The living idea of being the change needed to ride the wave. Applying the difference in your daily transactions. Through all the adversity remember to pray. In theory, it is a lifestyle of decisions that may require you to always find a transparent solution to life’s everyday problems.
Simply, transform the social atmosphere and make it better. Be the vibe it can never be duplicated; and if you know that jive then, is that hep cat n’ canary in the groove. Try to keep it uncomplicated and just ask yourself, why not make someone’s day when you have the power to do so? That is a question that I habitually challenge. Find the light if you choose to shine. Mind you, this is not a peaceful process at all. It will require a different type of strength to conquer having an abundant life, by obtaining A Cultured Peace State of Mind.
Maybe this will inspire YOU; my friend, to cultivate your vibe peacefully, even when it rains.
Enjoy the Beautiful Journey,
Phebe Israel
Jadual kandungan
Cultured Peace
I. Main Squeeze
1. Adulthood of Mystery
2. Know, No Betta
3. Twhattt?
4. Disc Jockey
5. Mentee
6. Junkie
7. Poor Me, Pour Me
8. Pool Party
9. Green-House Effect
10. Mistakes My Mother Never Made
11. Toxic Strand on My Other Hand
12. Cyclone
13. Breach Of Trust
14. Mourning After
15. Blow through me
16. Happiness is Relative
17. Repent
18. Freedom is Expensive
19. Ah Ha
20. Black Mail
21. Onyx Seethe
II. Visualz* only for print
Sources and Resources
Phebe’s Final Thoughts