Media has most definitely evolved, as have the ways in which we contemplate, design, communicate and execute strategy. And rather than technological evolution, we’re plainly in the midst of a technological revolution.
We have no choice then but to reframe marketing and PR in the context of 21st Century technology, 21st Century media and disintermediation, and 21st Century articulation of and appreciation for business strategy.
“Today, every organization is in the influence business. We influence customers to buy from us, employees to work for us, and the media to write about us. Gone are the days when you could be your own island. Now, to be successful, you need to live within the influence ecosystem and that requires a change of mindset. Fortunately, Philip Sheldrake will show you how.”
David Meerman Scott, bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR and the new hit Real-Time Marketing & PR
Jadual kandungan
Foreword xi
Acknowledgements xiii
Introduction xv
The questions this book seeks to answer xvi
The business context xix xxi
1 Where We Are Today 1
The Cluetrain and Permission Marketing 1
Marketing and public relations 5
Marketing 6
Public relations 8
Integrated marketing communications 11
Summary 14
2 The Six Influence Flows 15
A clean sheet 15
Some defi nitions 16
Mapping the interactions 17
Mapping the influence fl Ows 18
Contrasting the six influence fl Ows with the traditional emphases 19
The 2nd flow and the Internet 20
A new stakeholder 23
Summary 24
3 Influence 25
Summary 29
4 The Social Web 31
Social Web analytics 33
Characteristics of social Web analytics services 35
Achieving an ‘Awesome Analytics Advantage’ 43
Summary 43
5 Measurement, Complexity and Influence-centricity 45
Measurement 45
The Barcelona Principles 45
Influencer-centric 47
No standard for influence 49
The complexity of influence 51
Innovation-driven complexity 59
Why do we think it’s not complex? 60
Influence-centric 62
Focus on the influenced 63
Tracing influence 67
Summary 74
6 The Balanced Scorecard 77
An overview 78
Business 101 – the problem 79
The Balanced Scorecard perspectives 80
The right metrics 82
Cause and effect 84
Strategy maps 84
Offfice of strategy management 91
Return on investment 93
Back to influence 94
Summary 95
7 The Influence Scorecard 97
The Balanced Scorecard and the Influence Scorecard 98
Taking a lead 100
Influence objectives 101
Influence strategy 104
The CMO’s dilemma 105
Mapping the influence strategy 106
The Influence Scorecard and OSM 112
Constructing the Influence Scorecard 112
Selecting your metrics 113
The AMEC grid 115
Budgeting 117
ROI 117
In the face of chaos 121
Influence capability maturity model 124
Another scorecard 124
The Influence Scorecard and integrated marketing communications 126
Summary 132
8 Influence Trends 135
Mobile and other things 135
New opportunities 138
Privacy, data ownership and sharing 139
Who owns the data? 139
Digital detritus 142
Browser history 143
A question of policy 144
A question of leadership 145
A potential privacy framework for the influence professional 146
Buyer marketing 151
Knowing what it all means 153
Google loves the semantic Web 156
There’s no influence without meaning 157
Summary 157
9 Reframing Marketing and PR 159
Influence performance management 159
10 The Chief Influence Offficer and Influence Professional 161
The Chief Influence Offficer 162
Chief Communications Offficer 162
Chief Marketing Offficer 164
Chief Information Offficer 166
Chief Operations Offficer 168
Chief Customer Offficer 168
Chief Culture Offficer 170
Other C-suite titles 170
The Chief Influence Offficer (CInfl O) 171
The influence professional 173
Organization structure – the offfice of influence performance management 174
External agency and partners 176
Summary 178
11 What Now? 181
Prerequisites 181
Pre-board-approval actions 182
Post-board-approval actions 182
Glossary of Terms 185
Endnotes 197
Index 205
Mengenai Pengarang
Philip Sheldrake is a Chartered Engineer, a Co-Founding Partner of Meanwhile, the venture marketers, a Main Board Director of Intellect, the UK trade association for the technology industry, and Board Director of 6UK, a government backed non-profit to promote adoption of the new Internet protocol in the UK.
He co-founded an award-winning PR consultancy at the end of the 90s, selling it to W2 Group, a Massachusetts based marketing services group, to become the European HQ of W2’s PR company, Racepoint.
Philip authored
The Social Web Analytics e Book 2008, and the digital marketing chapter of
The Marketing Century, a book celebrating the centenary of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. He chairs the Chartered Institute of Public Relations group on measurement and evaluation, presents CIPR TV, and designs and chairs Internetome, the Internet of Things Conference.