Pengarang: Piotr Burgoński

Gregor Feindt ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte in Mainz.

3 Ebooks by Piotr Burgoński

Urszula Pekala & Irene Dingel: Ringen um Versöhnung
Christian actors were highly influential in the reconciliation process between Germany and Poland after World War II. The theological understanding of ‘reconciliation’ has been applied to the afterma …
Kristina Rutkovska & Rajmund Pietkiewicz: Contextuality of the Bible in Lithuania until the End of the Eighteenth Century
The collective book by Lithuanian researchers presents research conducted in Lithuania on the historical and socio-cultural contexts of the Bible and the ways in which it functioned in Lithuanian wri …
Krzysztof Pawlina: New Shepherds
Krzysztof Pawlina presents in his book a profile of a candidate for the priesthood who enters a seminary in Poland. The study was first conducted by survey method in 2000 and then repeated twenty yea …