Juntao Chen is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Tandon School of Engineering, New York University. He is the first author of more than 20 peer-reviewed research papers. He is a recipient of the Ernst Weber Ph.D. Fellowship and Dante Youla Award for Graduate Research Excellence. He is currently the assistant director of the Laboratory for Agile and Resilient Complex Systems (LARX) and a member of Center for Cybersecurity (CCS) at NYU.
Quanyan Zhu is an assistant professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Tandon School of Engineering, New York University. He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed articles and a book. He is a recipient of many awards including NSF CAREER Award, NYU Goddard Junior Faculty Fellowship, NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF), NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS), and Mavis Future Faculty Fellowships. He spearheaded and chaired INFOCOM Workshop on Communications and Control on Smart Energy Systems (CCSES), and Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory (WCGT). He has served as the general chair of the 7th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security (Game Sec) in 2016, the 9th International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimisation (NETGCOOP) in 2018, and the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Security (ICAIS) in 2019. His current research on interdependent networks is supported by two NSF grants on resilient and interdependent critical infrastructures. He is a recipient of best paper awards at the 5th International Conference on Resilient Control Systems, the 18th International Conference on Information Fusion, and the 7th ACM CCS Workshop on Managing Insider Security Threat (MIST).
17 Ebooks by Quanyan Zhu
Jean Walrand & Quanyan Zhu: Network Games, Control, and Optimization
This contributed volume offers a collection of papers presented at the 2018 Network Games, Control, and Optimization conference (NETGCOOP), held at the New York University Tandon School of Engineerin …
Craig Rieger & Indrajit Ray: Industrial Control Systems Security and Resiliency
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the key concerns as well as research challenges in designing secure and resilient Industrial Control Systems (ICS). It will discuss today’s state of the …
Juntao Chen & Quanyan Zhu: A Game- and Decision-Theoretic Approach to Resilient Interdependent Network Analysis and Design
This brief introduces game- and decision-theoretical techniques for the analysis and design of resilient interdependent networks. It unites game and decision theory with network science to lay a syst …
Tansu Alpcan & William Casey: Decision and Game Theory for Security
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, Game Sec 2016, held in New York, NY, USA, in November 2016.The 18 revised …
Stefan Rass & Stefan Schauer: Cyber-Security in Critical Infrastructures
This book presents a compendium of selected game- and decision-theoretic models to achieve and assess the security of critical infrastructures. Given contemporary reports on security incidents of var …
Quanyan Zhu & Zhiheng Xu: Cross-Layer Design for Secure and Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
This book introduces a cross-layer design to achieve security and resilience for CPSs (Cyber-Physical Systems). The authors interconnect various technical tools and methods to capture the different p …
Jeffrey Pawlick & Quanyan Zhu: Game Theory for Cyber Deception
This book introduces game theory as a means to conceptualize, model, and analyze cyber deception. Drawing upon a collection of deception research from the past 10 years, the authors develop a taxonom …
Junaid Farooq & Quanyan Zhu: Resource Management for On-Demand Mission-Critical Internet of Things Applications
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR ON-DEMAND MISSION-CRITICAL INTERNET OF THINGS APPLICATIONS Discover an insightful and up-to-date treatment of resource management in Internet of Things technology In Resource …
Charles A. Kamhoua & Christopher D. Kiekintveld: Game Theory and Machine Learning for Cyber Security
GAME THEORY AND MACHINE LEARNING FOR CYBER SECURITY Move beyond the foundations of machine learning and game theory in cyber security to the latest research in this cutting-edge field In Game Theory …
Charles A. Kamhoua & Christopher D. Kiekintveld: Game Theory and Machine Learning for Cyber Security
GAME THEORY AND MACHINE LEARNING FOR CYBER SECURITY Move beyond the foundations of machine learning and game theory in cyber security to the latest research in this cutting-edge field In Game Theory …
John S. Baras & Juntao Chen: Decision and Game Theory for Security
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, Game Sec 2020, held in College Park, MD, USA, in October 2020. Due to COV …
Junaid Farooq & Quanyan Zhu: Resource Management for On-Demand Mission-Critical Internet of Things Applications
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT FOR ON-DEMAND MISSION-CRITICAL INTERNET OF THINGS APPLICATIONS Discover an insightful and up-to-date treatment of resource management in Internet of Things technology In Resource …
Hideaki Ishii & Quanyan Zhu: Security and Resilience of Control Systems
This book comprises a set of chapters that introduce various topics pertinent to novel approaches towards enhancing cyber-physical measures for increased security and resilience levels in control sys …
Timothy Kieras & Junaid Farooq: IoT Supply Chain Security Risk Analysis and Mitigation
This Springer Brief introduces methodologies and tools for quantitative understanding and assessment of supply chain risk to critical infrastructure systems. It unites system reliability analysis, op …
Carol Smidts & Indrajit Ray: Cyber-Security Threats and Response Models in Nuclear Power Plants
This Springer Brief presents a brief introduction to probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), followed by a discussion of abnormal event detection techniques in industrial control systems (ICS). It also …
Linan Huang & Quanyan Zhu: Cognitive Security
This book presents the latest research in cognitive security, a rapidly emerging field that addresses the vulnerabilities in human behavior and cognition that can lead to Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) …
Jie Fu & Arunesh Sinha: Decision and Game Theory for Security
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, Game Sec 2024, which took place in New York City, USA, in October 2024. T …