Pengarang: Rachael Ruegg

Rachael Ruegg is a lecturer at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. She graduated with a Ph D in Linguistics, from Macquarie University, Australia. Clay Williams is an associate professor in the graduate-level English Language Teaching Practices (ELT) program at Akita International University, Japan. He graduated with a Ph D in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching from the University of Arizona, U.S.A. His recent books are Teaching English Reading in the Chinese-speaking World: Building Strategies across Scripts and Teaching English in East Asia: A Teacher’s Guide to Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Learners, both published by Springer.

5 Ebooks by Rachael Ruegg

Rachael Ruegg & Clay Williams: Teaching English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in Japan
This book focuses on appropriate English for Academic Purposes instructional concepts and methods in the Japanese context. It investigates a variety of pedagogical techniques, addressing the fundamen …
Mary Frances Agnello & Naoko Araki: Concise APA Handbook
Most students struggle with learning how to find references, use them effectively, and cite them appropriately in a required format. One of the most common formats is that of APA. The authors all tea …
Rachael Ruegg: Supporting EMI Students Outside of the Classroom
There is a growing body of research on English-medium Instruction (EMI) in Asian contexts, and much of this research points out difficulties experienced by stakeholders. This volume takes up the issu …
Rachael Ruegg: Supporting EMI Students Outside of the Classroom
There is a growing body of research on English-medium Instruction (EMI) in Asian contexts, and much of this research points out difficulties experienced by stakeholders. This volume takes up the issu …
Mary Frances Agnello & Naoko Araki: Concise APA Handbook
Most students struggle with learning how to find references, use them effectively, and cite them appropriately in a required format. One of the most common formats is that of APA. The authors all hav …