This proceedings book presents select papers from the International Conference on Internet and Modern Society (IMS 2022). It discusses topical issues of digital geography and the geography of the information society, especially in urban settings. Participants from all over the world consider the controversies and challenges posed by globalization, focusing on Digital Urbanism, Smart Cities, Digital Sustainability, Social Media Movements, Digital Divide, and Cyber Psychology. The book will be of interest to academics, researchers, and students in digital humanities, as well as governmental and non-governmental cybersecurity organizations.
Jadual kandungan
Chapter 1: Recognition of soybean crops and weeds with YOLO v4 and UAV.- Chapter 2: The street potential investigation based on open data.- Chapter 3: A survey of masked face recognition methods and corpora/data.- Chapter 4: Using the data mining tool to analyze student performance.- Chapter 5: Analysis of biometric identification methods used in auto-proctoring.- Chapter 6: Machine learning and philology.- Chapter 7: Adaptation of static and contextualized topic modeling techniques to hidden community detection.- Chapter 8: The database of constructions with lexical repetitions “Rep Le Con” and inter-annotator agreement.- Chapter 9: Linguo-statistical analysis of domain concept verbalization in the Russian language.- Chapter 10: Towards the description of multiword units in Russian everyday speech.- Chapter 11: Testing hypotheses about the influence of the genre of folk songs on their formal characteristics.- Chapter 12: Emotional maps.- Chapter 13: Towards an analyzer of emotions for texts in Russian in bilingual perspective.- Chapter 14: Life goals of education online volunteers.- Chapter 15: The frequency of open and anonymous cyberbullying among school students.- Chapter 16: Predicting individual cognitive status based on EEG data fit to power law distribution.- Chapter 17: Internet addiction and personal maturity of adolescents.- Chapter 18: Predicting performance and functional reserves of athletes based on their pulse indicators in different trainings.- Chapter 19: Algorithm for analyzing the text of news reports on society digitalization in Russia.- Chapter 20: Transformation of Belarusian protest management in social media (2020-2021).- Chapter 21: Digital readiness of young people to interact with the state.
Mengenai Pengarang
Radomir Bolgov, Ph D, Associate professor at the School of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. His current studies focus on the Internet public discourse and digital policies in post-Soviet countries. Program Committee member of the European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ECCWS), International Conference “Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia” (EGOSE), International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV). Editor of the journal “Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. International Relations”.
Ravil Mukhamediev, Ph D, Professor, Satbayev University, Kazakhstan. Research interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Structural health monitoring, Civil Engineering, Cyber-physical system, Scientometrics.
Roberto Pereira, Ph D, Professor, Federal University of Paraná, Brazil. Research interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Science Education, Computing in Education. Associate Editor for the Brazilian Journal on Computers in Education. Editor-in-Chief of the Journal on Interactive Systems (JIS). Editor-in-Chief of the Horizontes Magazine.
Sergey Mityagin, Ph D, Director of Institute of Design & Urban Studies, ITMO University, Russia. Research interests: Urban Mobility, Socio-economic Factors, Quantitative methods of information analysis.