Pengarang: Rahul Mukerjee

ALOKE DEY, Ph D, is a professor at the Indian Statistical Institutein New Delhi. An elected member of the International Statistical Institute, Dr. Dey is widely published in the field, including manyresearch papers and two books. RAHUL MUKERJEE, Ph D, is a professor at the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta. A member of the editorial board for severalstatistics journals, Dr. Mukerjee has authored and coauthored manyresearch papers and two books. Dr. Mukerjee is an elected member ofthe International Statistical Institute.

6 Ebooks by Rahul Mukerjee

Rahul Mukerjee & C.F. J. Wu: A Modern Theory of Factorial Design
Factorial design plays a fundamental role in efficient and economic experimentation with multiple input variables and is extremely popular in various fields of application, including engineering, agr …
Aloke Dey & Rahul Mukerjee: Fractional Factorial Plans
A one-stop reference to fractional factorials and relatedorthogonal arrays. Presenting one of the most dynamic areas of statistical research, this book offers a systematic, rigorous, and …
Sudhir Gupta & Rahul Mukerjee: Calculus for Factorial Arrangements
Factorial designs were introduced and popularized by Fisher (1935). Among the early authors, Yates (1937) considered both symmetric and asymmetric factorial designs. Bose and Kishen (1940) and Bose …
Gauri Sankar Datta & Rahul Mukerjee: Probability Matching Priors: Higher Order Asymptotics
Probability matching priors, ensuring frequentist validity of posterior credible sets up to the desired order of asymptotics, are of substantial current interest. They can form the basis of an …
Arijit Chaudhuri & Rahul Mukerjee: Randomized Response
Offering a concise account of the most appropriate and efficient procedures for analyzing data from queries dealing with sensitive and confidential issues- including the first book-length treatment o …
Arijit Chaudhuri & Rahul Mukerjee: Randomized Response
Offering a concise account of the most appropriate and efficient procedures for analyzing data from queries dealing with sensitive and confidential issues- including the first book-length treatment o …