Matilda Koén-Sarano is a writer, scholar, poet, and storyteller living in Jerusalem.
3 Ebooks by Reginetta Haboucha
Matilda Koen-Sarano: King Solomon and the Golden Fish
These folktales remain a powerful link between modern-day Spanish Jews and the Hispano-Jewish legacy-this collection passes along that legacy and provides a source of the customs and values of Sephar …
Reginetta Haboucha: Types and Motifs of the Judeo-Spanish Folktales (RLE Folklore)
This monumental book, first published in 1992, represents a major contribution to Sephardic and Hispanic studies as well as to comparative folklore scholarship in a worldwide perspective. After many …
Reginetta Haboucha: Types and Motifs of the Judeo-Spanish Folktales (RLE Folklore)
This monumental book, first published in 1992, represents a major contribution to Sephardic and Hispanic studies as well as to comparative folklore scholarship in a worldwide perspective. After many …