Ulrich Tiedau is Associate Professor of Dutch at UCL and an Associate Director of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities. In addition, he serves as editor-in-chief of Dutch Crossing: Journal of Low Countries Studies.
2 Ebooks by Reinier Salverda
Theo Hermans & Reinier Salverda: From Revolt to Riches
This collection investigates the culture and history of the Low Countries in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries from both international and interdisciplinary perspectives. The period was one of …
Christian Fandrych & Reinier Salverda: Standard, Variation und Sprachwandel in germanischen Sprachen / Standard, Variatio and Language Change in Germanic Languages
Der vorliegende Band untersucht, wie Sprachwandel, Sprachvariation und Sprachkontakt einige wichtige Germanische Sprachen transformieren, und wie als Folge davon das Verhältnis von Standard und Varie …