There is an increase in specialisation within general surgery and now even within its sub specialties. Colorectal surgery is probably the largest of the subspecialties of general surgery, and one of the areas where trainees and consultant general /colorectal surgeons are least confident is in their understanding of the anatomy, physiological pathology and management of the anal canal and pelvis.
Currently available there are books on the market centred around the general management of colorectal disease, but the time is now right for a definitive text on the anal canal and pelvis specifically.
Jadual kandungan
1. The Normal Anus.- 2. Anorectal Physiology.- 3. Imaging the Normal Anus.- 4. Surgical Treatment and Pathology: Normal Histology.- 5. Congenital Abnormalities of the Anus.- 6. Premalignant Conditions of the Anus.- 7. Malignant Conditions including Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Rare Cancers.- 8. Rectocele Pathophysiology and Presentation.- 9. Treatment: Rectocele.- 10. Incontinence- Causes and Pathophysiology.- 11. Incontinence Assessment: Physiology and Imaging.- 12. Surgical Treatments for Incontinence.- 13. Haemorrhoids – Anatomy , Pathophysiology and Presentation.- 14. Operative management.- 15. Benign Disease, Fissures, Presentation and Pathophysiology.- 16. Chronic Anal Fissure.- 17. Anal Sepsis: Anatomy, Pathophysiology and Presentation.- 18. Imaging of Anal Sepsis.- 19. Management of Anorectal Sepsis.- 20. Perianal Skin Conditions.- 21. Pruritus Ani.
22. Reconstruction of the Anus and Peri-Anal Region.