Birger Olsson is Professor Emeritus at Lund University in Sweden. He is the author of numerous works on text-linguistic analysis and on the Johannine literature, including Structure and Meaning in the Fourth Gospel: A Text-Linguistic Analysis of John 2:1-11 and 4:1-42 (1974). The current volume was originally published in Swedish as part of the Kommentar till Nya Testamentet, for which Olsson also wrote the volume on 1 Peter.
2 Ebooks by Richard J. Erickson
Birger Olsson: A Commentary on the Letters of John
The long history of interpretation of the three Johannine letters has been largely characterized, at least since Irenaeus in the late second century, by the assumption that the Elder was addressing t …
Richard J. Erickson: Commentary on Ephesians
Comprehensive, accessible, and fully illustrated–this commentary on Ephesians is a must-have resource.You want a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, but the notes in your study Bible don’t give …