In a life in which he always sat in the back seat, never driving or even riding shotgun, Evan Brinkley takes his terminal illness head on by settling some old scores, changing the basis for relationships with his employer and daughters, and pursuing a strong love interest. The new Evan is even willing and able to break the law to balance the scale.
His reflections upon various aspects of his life during its last few months lead him to the conclusion that he is the architect of his own problems, rather than the victim of a heartless world as he had always supposed himself to be. His race to death matches Evan’s progress in redefining himself against his rapidly declining health.
Mengenai Pengarang
A career educator now retired, he earned two master’s degrees and two doctorates, writing theses or dissertations for each. The author took full advantage of the flexibility offered by his career to meet challenges in his own life and to help students do the same.
During twelve years of teaching English, the author was privileged to interact with and observe students from grades seven through fourteen in several states. He grasps the opportunities that formal education presents to students who are struggling to center themselves.
Writing grants, reports, newsletters, and speeches for at least six hours per day for thirty years has given him an appreciation for the writings of others and a determination to tell at least one story his way. The author marvels at the courage and skill of those who earn their living as independent writers.
Married for forty-five years with five children and nine grandchildren, he understands the power of stories well told and tastefully packaged. The author views the preparation of this book as a suitable conclusion to a lifetime of writing, but with sufficient encouragement, would gladly write another.