Richard Jasnow is professor of Egyptology at Johns Hopkins University. He has authored A Late Period Hieratic Wisdom Text (P. Brooklyn 47.218.135) (The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, 1992) and The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth (Harrassowitz, 2005; with Karl-Theodor Zauzich), and coedited (with Kathlyn M. Cooney) Joyful in Thebes: Egyptological Studies in Honor of Betsy M. Bryan (Lockwood, 2015). Jasnow”s research focuses on Demotic texts of the Greco-Roman period. J.G. Manning is the William K. and Marilyn M. Simpson Professor of History and of Classics, with appointments also in the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations and at Yale Law School. He is co-director of the Yale Initiative for the Study of Antiquity and the Premodern World. Most recently, he has edited Writing History in Time of War (Steiner, 2015). His research has two primary research foci, the economic and legal history of the Hellenistic world, and Egyptian history in the long run. Kyoko Yamahana is associate professor in the Department of Asian Civilization at the Tokai University, Japan and keeper of the Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern collection in Tokai University (AENET). She has authored Eternal Nile: Pharaohs and People of Ancient Egypt (Tokai University Collection, 2016; Japanese), History of Ancient Egypt from New Kingdom to the end of Ptolemaic Period (2010; Japanese), and Ancient Egypt for Beginners (2009, Japanese). Her main field of research is ancient pyrotechnology, especially faience and glass. Myriam Krutzsch is the Dipl. Restaurator of Papyrus at the Egyptian Museum in Berlin. As a noted expert in papyrus conservation, she has worked on many important projects. Krutszch is equally active as a teacher of papyrological conservation techniques. She has edited (with Jorg Graf) Agypten lesbar machen-die klassische Konservierung/Restaurierung von Papyri und neuere Verfahren. Beitrage des 1. Internationalen Workshops der Papyrusrestauratoren Leipzig, 7.9. September 2006 (Berlin, 2008).
4 Ebooks by Richard Jasnow
Kathlyn M. Cooney & Kathlyn M. Cooney: Joyful in Thebes
An international group of scholars have contributed to Joyful in Thebes, a Festschrift for the distinguished Egyptologist Betsy M. Bryan. The forty-two articles deal with topics of art history, archa …
Richard Jasnow & Richard Jasnow: Demotic and Hieratic Papyri in the Suzuki Collection of Tokai University, Japan
This volume publishes, for the first time, approximately fifty late Egyptian texts from the Suzuki collection held at Tokai University, Japan. The project is a result of a five-year collaboration bet …
Richard Jasnow & Richard Jasnow: Illuminating Osiris
Illuminating Osiris comprises twenty-seven articles by students, friends, and colleagues in honor of Mark Smith, Professor of Egyptology at the University of Oxford. Smith is especially renowned as a …
Christina Di Cerbo & Christina Di Cerbo: On the Path to the Place of Rest
In this volume Christina Di Cerbo and Richard Jasnow publish 92 Demotic graffiti, along with several ostraca and mummy bandages, from Theban Tombs 11, 12, Tomb-399-, and environs recorded and studied …