Pengarang: Robert Jandl

Robert Jandl Director, Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Austria Mirco Rodeghiero Centre for Alpine Ecology, Italy Mats Olsson Vice Chairman of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden Lead authors of chapters Frank Hagedorn, WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerlandstyle=”font-size: 10pt;” href=””> Lars Vesterdal, Univ Copenhagen, Denmarkstyle=”font-size: 10pt;” href=””> Patricia Bellamy, Cranfield University, UKstyle=”font-size: 10pt;” href=””> Rainer Baritz, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften, Hannover, Germany Helga Van Miegroet, Utah State Univ, Logan/UTstyle=”font-size: 10pt;” href=” ID=735″> Jukka Alm, METLA, Helsinki, Finlandhref=””> Agustin Rubio, Polytechnic University, Madrid, Spain Zoltan Somogyi, ERTI, Budapest, Hungary Nadine Rühr, ETH Zurich, Switzerlandstyle=”font-size: 10pt;” href=””>

6 Ebooks by Robert Jandl

Robert Jandl & Mirco Rodeghiero: Soil Carbon in Sensitive European Ecosystems
Soil Carbon in Sensitive European Ecosystems – From Science to Land Management is a comprehensive overview of the latest research in this field drawn together by a network of scientists from across E …
Robert Jandl & Mirco Rodeghiero: Soil Carbon in Sensitive European Ecosystems
Soil Carbon in Sensitive European Ecosystems – From Science to Land Management is a comprehensive overview of the latest research in this field drawn together by a network of scientists from across E …
Felipe Bravo & Valerie LeMay: Managing Forest Ecosystems: The Challenge of Climate Change
Climate changes, particularly warming trends, have been recorded around the globe. For many countries, these changes in climate have become evident through insect epidemics (e.g., Mountain Pine Beetl …
Felipe Bravo & Valerie LeMay: Managing Forest Ecosystems: The Challenge of Climate Change
Climate change shaped the political agenda during the last decade with three issues as hot topics: commonly making the headlines: carbon budgets, impact and mitigation of climate change. Given the si …
C. Rumpel: Understanding and fostering soil carbon sequestration
  • Highlights the increasing role of soils as an important and dynamic part of the global carbon cycle and their potential role in counteracting increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations
  • < …
Andreas Schindlbacher & Mathias Mayer: Instant Insights: Carbon monitoring and management in forests
  • Explores the interactions between tropical forests and the immediate climate, as well as the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle
  • Highlights the development and submi …