Pengarang: Ronald L Krannich

Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D., is one of today’s leading career transition writers who has authored more than 100 books, including several self-help guides for ex-offenders: The Ex-Offender’s New Job Finding and Survival Guide, The Ex-Offender’s Re-Entry Assistance Directory, Best Resumes and Letters for Ex-Offenders, The Ex-Offender’s Job Interview Guide, Best Jobs for Ex-Offenders, The Ex-Offender’s Re-Entry Success Guide, The Ex-Offender’s Quick Job Hunting Guide, The Ex-Offender’s 30/30 Job Solution, 99 Days to Re-Entry Success Journal, The Re-Entry Employment and Life Skills Pocket Guide, The Re-Entry Start-Up Pocket Guide, The Anger Management Pocket Guide, The Re-Entry Personal Finance Pocket Guide, and Re-Imagining Life on the Outside Pocket Guide. A former Peace Corps Volunteer, Fulbright Scholar, and university professor, Ron specializes in developing career, life skills, and education resources.

3 Ebooks by Ronald L Krannich

Ronald L. Krannich & Carl S. Savino: Military to Civilian Transition Guide
With more than 3.3 million paper copies of previous editions in print, this book has set the gold standard for military-to-civilian career transition. It covers everything from organizing an …
Ronald L. Krannich: Ex-Offender’s Re-Entry Success Guide
No question about it by almost any measure, America operates the world’s largest, costliest, and most dysfunctional criminal justice ($250 billion) and incarceration ($80 billion) systems. With …
Ronald L. Krannich: Military-to-Civilian Success for Veterans and Their Families
Each year nearly 250, 000 servicemembers transition to the civilian world. Faced with numerous forks in the road, most servicemembers and their families want useful advice on making smart …