Sarah Lotz and Louis Greenberg met in a pub while bunking a crime seminar and, as one does at pubs, discovered a mutual interest in horror. Sarah, a crime novelist and screenwriter, was a die-hard zombie fanatic; Louis, a literary writer, editor and recovering bookseller, had studied vampire and apocalyptic fiction. Rejecting their initial plans for a vampire-vs-zombie faceoff, they decided to write the first mainstream South African horror novel together and S.L. Grey was born.
12 Ebooks by S. L. Grey
S.L. Grey: The Mall
Dan works at a bookstore in a deadly dull shopping mall where nothing ever happens. He's an angsty emo-kid who sells mid-list books to mid-list people for the minimum wage. He hates his job. Rho …
S.L. Grey: The Ward
Lisa is a plastic surgery addict with severe self-esteem issues. The only hospital that will let her go under the knife is New Hope: a grimy, grey-walled facility dubbed 'No Hope' by its pa …
S.L. Grey: The New Girl
Don't mess with the creepy new girl Ryan Devlin, a predator with a past, has been forced to take a job as a handyman at an exclusive private school, Crossley College. He's losing his battle …
S.L. Grey: Three Books by S. L. Grey
Longlisted for the Sunday Times SA Fiction Award The Mall Dan works at a bookstore in a deadly dull shopping mall where nothing ever happens. He's an angsty emo-kid who sells mid-list books for …
S.L. Grey: Under Ground
Wie tief sitzt deine Angst? Ein tödliches Grippevirus grassiert in den USA. Während Chaos um sich greift, flieht eine Gruppe ganz unterschiedlicher Menschen in einen unterirdischen Luxusbunker – das …
S.L. Grey: Das Apartment
Die Ehe von Mark und Steph bröckelt. Um wieder Romantik in ihr Leben zu bringen, machen sie einen Häusertausch per Internet. Steph findet eine Unterkunft in Paris, die auf den Fotos traumhaft aussieh …
S.L. Grey: Il manichino
Un grande thriller Non guarderete mai più una vetrina nello stesso modo! Dan è un ragazzo inquieto e poco socievole che lavora in uno squallido, enorme centro commerciale. Odia il suo lavoro. Rhoda è …
S.L. Grey: Az apartman
Sokkoló történet egy házaspárról, akiknek a párizsi nyaralása rémálommá válik Mark és Steph boldogan él Fokvárosban a lányukkal, egy nap azonban símaszkos emberek törnek rájuk az otthonukban, és bár …
S. L. Grey & Omar Robert Hamilton: Outcast Hours
These are the stories of people who live at night: under neon and starlight, and never the light of the sun.These are the stories of poets and police, tourists and traders; the hidden and the forbidd …
S. L. Grey & Sarah Lotz: End of the Road
On the Road to Nowhere Each step leads you closer to your destination, but who, or what, can you expect to meet along the way? Here are stories of misfits, spectral hitch-hikers, nightmare travel tal …
S.L. Grey: In Plain Sight
Mia is a young girl haunted by a darkness, that threatens her sanity. When she’s barely five years old, her babysitter is murdered in the next room. That fateful night forever changes her future. She …