Pengarang: S. Weller

SHANE WELLER  is Professor of Comparative Literature and Co-Director of the Centre for Modern European Literature at the University of Kent, UK. His publications include A Taste for the Negative: Beckett and Nihilism (2005), Beckett, Literature, and the Ethics of Alterity (2006), and Literature, Philosophy, Nihilism: The Uncanniest of Guests (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008).

10 Ebooks by S. Weller

S. Weller: Modernism and Nihilism
Focusing on a wide range of philosophers and writers, from Nietzsche to Derrida and Flaubert to Borges, this book charts the history of the deployment of the concept of nihilism within the discourses …
S. Weller: Beckett, Literature and the Ethics of Alterity
In Beckett, Literature and the Ethics of Alterity Weller argues through an analysis of the interrelated topics of translation, comedy, and gender that to read Beckett in this way is to miss the stran …
A. Schaffner & S. Weller: Modernist Eroticisms
This volume explores the impact of sexological and early psychoanalytic conceptions of sexual perversion on the representation of the erotic in the work of a range of major European modernists (inclu …
Martin Allgower & Maurice E. Muller: Manual of Internal Fixation
The first part of this manual deals with the experimental and scientific basis and the principles of the AOj ASIF method of stable internal fixation. It deals with the function and main use of the di …
Margrit List: Krankengymnastische Behandlungen in der Traumatologie
Seit seinem Erscheinen im Jahre 1978 hat der Leitfaden für die krankengymnastische Behandlung in der Traumatologie breite Beachtung gefunden, so daß eine Neuauflage erforder­ lich wurde. Die Bedeutun …