‘I came late to Christianity, ‘ writes Sara Miles, ‘knocked upsidedown by a mid-life conversion centered around eating a literalchunk of bread. I hadn’t decided to profess an article of doctrine, but discovered a force blowing uncontrollably through the world.’
In this new book, Sara Miles tells what happened when shedecided to follow the flesh and blood Jesus by doing somethingreal. For everyone afraid to feed hungry strangers, love theunlovable, or go to dark places to bless and heal, she offers hope.She holds out the promise of a God who gave a bunch of housewivesand fishermen authority to forgive sins and raise the dead, and whocontinues to call us to action. And she tells, in vivid, heartbreakingly honest stories, how the ordinary people around herare transformed by taking up God’s work in the world.
Sara Miles offers a fresh, fully embodied faith that sweeps awaythe anxious formulas of religion to reveal the scandalous power ofeating with sinners, embracing the unclean, and loving the wrongpeople. Jesus Freak: Feeding Healing Raising the Dead is herinspiring book for undomesticated Christians who still believe, asshe writes, ‘that Jesus has given us the power to be Jesus.’
Jadual kandungan
Author Note v
Introduction vii
Come and See 1
Feeding 21
Healing 63
Forgiving 107
Raising the Dead 125
Follow Me 163
Acknowledgments 167
The Author 171
Mengenai Pengarang
Sara Miles is the founder and director of The Food Pantry, and serves as Director of Ministry at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco. Her other books include Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion, and her writing has appeared in the New York Times Magazine, the New Yorker, Salon, and on National Public Radio. www.saramiles.net