Bryon Adinoff, VA North Texas Health Care System and UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA Nicholas L. Balderston, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, USA Mera S. Barr, MSc, University of Toronto, Canada Warren K. Bickel, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, USA Daniel M. Blumberger, University of Toronto, Canada David B. Brown, University of New Mexico, USA Kathleen M. Carroll, Yale University School of Medicine, USA Anna Rose Childress, University of Pennsylvania, USA Kelly E. Courtney, University of California, USA Janna Cousijn, Utrecht University , the Netherlands Anita Cservenka, Oregon Health & Science University, USA Zafiris J. Daskalakis, University of Toronto, Canada Monique Ernst, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, USA Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, University of New Mexico, USA Francesca M. Filbey, University of Texas at Dallas, USA Teresa R. Franklin, University of Pennsylvania, USA Hugh Garavan, Universityof Vermont, USA Tony P. George, University of Toronto, Canada Elizabeth A. Hale, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, USA Jon M. Houck, University of New Mexico, USA Kent E. Hutchison, University of Pennsylvania, USA David P. Jarmolowicz, University of Kansas, USA Hollis C. Karoly, University of Colorado Boulder, USA Ariel Ketcherside, University of Texas at Dallas, USA Karen A. Miotto, University of California, USA Joel Mumma, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Bonnie J. Nagel, Oregon Health & Science University, USA Tam T. Nguyen-Louie, San Diego State University, USA Tomá Paus, University of Toronto, Canada Zdenka Pausova, Senior Scientist, University of Toronto Matthew R. Pearson, University of New Mexico, USA Marc N. Potenza, Yale School of Medicine, USA Rachel A. Rabin, University of Toronto, Canada Lara A. Ray, University of California, USA Derek D. Reed, University of Kansas, USA Daniel J. O. Roche, University of California, USA Corey R. Roos, University of New Mexico, USA Joseph P. Schacht, Medical University of South Carolina, USA Catherine Stanger, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, USA Susan F. Tapert, VA San Diego Healthcare System, USA Salvatore Torrisi, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, USA Reagan R. Wetherill, University of Pennsylvania, USA Claire E. Wilcox, University of New Mexico, USA Stephen J. Wilson, The Pennsylvania State University, USA Katie Witkiewitz, University of New Mexico, USA Sarah W. Yip, Yale School of Medicine, USA
2 Ebooks by Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing
Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing & Katie Witkiewitz: Neuroimaging and Psychosocial Addiction Treatment
Using an innovative translational approach between the work of experimental scientists and clinical practitioners this book addresses the current, modest, understanding of how and why addiction treat …
Jonas Strandholdt Bach & Bagga Bjerge: Alkohol – en del af dansk kultur på godt og ondt
I Danmark er vin, øl og spiritus let tilgængeligt, da vi har en liberal alkoholpolitik i forhold til hvem, der kan købe det, hvor det kan købes, og hvornår det kan købes. Vi forbinder ofte alkohol me …