Pengarang: Shani Tzoref

Paul Heger (1924-2018; Ph D, University of Toronto) has published extensively on Jewish law of the Second Temple period. His research examines how the vibrant religious sectarian scene of late antiquity give way to a much smaller range of possibilities by the time of the Second Temple’s destruction and its aftermath.

3 Ebooks by Shani Tzoref

Armin Lange & Kristin De Troyer: The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Until recently, most non-biblical manuscripts attested in the Qumran library were regarded as copies of texts that were composed after the books of the Hebrew Bible were written. Students of the Hebr …
Hanan Eshel: Exploring the Dead Sea Scrolls
Among the most prominent hallmarks of the late Prof. Hanan Eshel (1958–2010) were his generosity, passion, and integrative approach. The eighteen essays in this volume were selected by Prof. Eshel sh …
Daniel Vorpahl & Sophia Kähler: Deutsch-jüdische Bibelwissenschaft
Im Fokus des Bandes stehen die Arbeiten jüdischer Exeget*innen und Übersetzer*innen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts. Diese werden im Kontext der entstehenden historisch-kritischen Bibelwissenschaft bele …