Jason E. Cohen Associate Professor of English at Berea College.
Sharon D. Raynor is Dean of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, and Professor of English at Elizabeth City State University.
Dwayne A. Mack is Professor of History and Carter G. Woodson Chair in African American History at Berea College.
3 Ebooks by Sharon D. Raynor
Jason E. Cohen & Sharon D. Raynor: Teaching Race in Perilous Times
The college classroom is inevitably influenced by, and in turn influences, the world around it. In the United States, this means the complex topic of race can come into play in ways that are both exp …
Sharon Raynor: Practicing Oral History with Military and War Veterans
Practicing Oral History with Military and War Veterans focuses predominantly on conducting oral history with men and women of recent wars and military conflicts. The book provides a structured method …
Sharon Raynor: Practicing Oral History with Military and War Veterans
Practicing Oral History with Military and War Veterans focuses predominantly on conducting oral history with men and women of recent wars and military conflicts. The book provides a structured method …