Offers practical advice for achieving shared governance in higher education.
Shared Governance in Higher Education Set (Volumes 1, 2 and 3)
For those seeking a way to change opinions of shared governance from pointless and unlikely to possible and intriguing, Shared Governance in Higher Education, Volume 1 will trigger meaningful conversations by offering valuable new perspectives. Experienced governance members, the contributors provide practical insights for everyone involved in academic governance and illuminate the subtle aspects of governance that make the difference between success or failure. Each chapter takes a different view of governing within institutions of higher education and explores topics such as engaging all stakeholders (including students) in shared governance; building on the benefits of a large, complex system; and bringing together pressing current needs with realistic strategic planning. Several in-depth descriptions of academic challenges, and the many roles of governance in addressing them, are thoughtfully explored. The contributors look both deeply and broadly, moving beyond platitudes. The result is a volume that will appeal to those beginning their terms of service as governance members or transitioning into leadership positions, as well as those looking for ways to assist others via governance symposia or conferences, and that will enable readers to shape their involvement in shared governance in unique new ways.
Jadual kandungan
Peter L.K. Knuepfer
Tina Good
Editor’s Note: Anchovies and Governance
Sharon F. Cramer
Part I. Shared Governance Stakeholders
1. Improving Shared Governance through Bylaws, Technology, and Collaboration
Rob Deemer, T. John Mc Cune, and Bruce Simon
Rob Deemer, T. John Mc Cune, and Bruce Simon
I. Improving Shared Governance through Bylaws Review, Revision, and Ratification
Bruce Simon
II. Improving Shared Governance through a Focus on Technology
T. John Mc Cune
III. Improving Shared Governance through Collaboration
Rob Deemer
Rob Deemer, T. John Mc Cune, and Bruce Simon
2. Engaging and Keeping Faculty and Students in Governance
Minna S. Barrett and Duncan Quarless
3. Hands across the Table: Integrating Students into Shared Governance
Oluwadamisi Atanda, Síocháin Hughes, Daniel Ryan, and Emily Sohmer Tai
Emily Sohmer Tai
I. Shared Governance and Faculty-Student Partnerships: A History
Daniel Ryan
II. Building Faculty-Student Partnerships in Shared Governance I: The CUNY UFS and the CUNY USS
Síocháin Hughes
III. Building Faculty-Student Partnerships in Shared Governance II: The Student Perspective
Oluwadamisi Atanda with Emily Sohmer Tai
Emily Sohmer Tai
Part II. Broad-Based Shared Governance Explorations and Solutions
4. Sharing Shared Governance: The Benefits of Systemness
Sharon F. Cramer and Rochelle Mozlin
5. Governance Structures: Perspective on Administrative Task Forces in Shared Governance
Duncan Quarless and Minna S. Barrett
6. SUNY Seamless Transfer Policy and Shared Governance
Elizabeth L. Bringsjord, Daniel J. Knox, David Lavallee, and Kenneth P. O’Brien
7. Theorizing Open SUNY and Shared Governance: It’s a Process
Tina Good
Part III. Personalized Reflections: Examinations of Shared Governance Explorations and Solutions
8. Governance Leadership: A Journey
Kelley J. Donaghy
9. Diversifying Shared Governance: Intentional Strategies and Best Practices
Noelle Chaddock and Beth Hinderliter
10. A Self-Critique of Shared Governance at Medgar Evers College: The Recent Protest Years, 2009–2013
Sallie M. Cuffee, Owen Brown, and Evelyn Maggio
11. Conclusion: Working Together to Share Governance
Norman Goodman
List of Contributors
Mengenai Pengarang
Sharon F. Cramer is Distinguished Service Professor Emerita at Buffalo State College, State University of New York, and Parliamentarian for the SUNY University Faculty Senate. Her books include A Teacher’s Guide to Change: Understanding, Navigating, and Leading the Process (coauthored with Jan Stivers).