Shiaoying Hsu, also known as Sue S. Y. Hsu in art circle, was originally from Suzhou, China. She moved to Taiwan in 1947, and then moved to USA in 1957. 1947-1952: Studied in First Girls High School in Taipei; 1957: National Taiwan Normal University, B.A. in English; 1958: Married to Yih-yun Hsu; 1959: University of Illinois, M.Ed.; 1978-1990: ESOL teacher in Public School System of Montgomery County, MD, with Advanced Professional Certificate, and received Outstanding ESOL Teacher Award; 1988-1996: Lecturer in English, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
Jadual kandungan
畫作 1青青河邊草/Peaceful Country Side/29H x 39W inch
畫作 2桃花年復年/Peach Valley/35H x 69W inch
畫作 3三家村/Small Village/21H x 56W inch
畫作 4人跡板橋霜/Frosty Bridge/22H x 28W inch
畫作 5南園/Nan Yuan/28H x 48W inch
畫作 6千里歸帆/Sailing Back/31H x 48W inch
畫作 7張家界/Misty Valley/16H x 22W inch
畫作 8失歸道/Lost Way in the Storm/27H x 16W inch
畫作 9岩上遠眺/On Top of Rock
畫作 10望瀑亭/Lookout Pavilion/10H x 8W inch
畫作 11松亭/Pine and Pavilion/10H x 8W inch
畫作 12瀑布/Rainbow and Falls/40H x 30W inch
畫作 13灕江/Li River
畫作 14緣溪行/Tao Hua Yuan(Peach Creek)
畫作 15萬里歸舟/Open Sea/50W x 39W inch
畫作 16萬里長流/Long River
畫作 17斜橋通竹屋/Coming Home/17H x 60W inch
畫作 18蓮葉荷田田/Lily and Gold Fish/29H x 43W inch
畫作 19遠浦歸帆/Home-bound/32H x 18W inch
畫作 20雙剪峰/Scissors Peak/29H x 44W inch
畫作 21飛來石/Rock from Sky/31H x 65W inch
畫作 22驚濤拍岸/On the Riverside
畫作 23高處疑無路/Listening to the Bell/19H x 41W inch
畫作 24漁家村/Fishermen’s Homes/50H x 31W inch
畫作 25絕頂幽奇/Magnificent View/31H x 41W inch
畫作 26高山觀瀑/Looking Out the Falls/29H x 46W inch
畫作 27三人行/Three Friends
畫作 28依山歸舟/Up from River
畫作 29好朋友/Good Friends/40H x 31W inch
畫作 30好望角/Cap Good Hope/28H x 38W inch
畫作 31山環水繞
畫作 32仰慕/Admiration/20H X 36W inch
畫作 33一意橫行/Crab/15H x 24W inch
畫作 34乳虎初嘯/First Roar/18H x 15W inch
畫作 35天倫之樂/Goats/28H x 44W inch
畫作 36獅/LION
畫作 37牛/Buffalo/19H x 23W inch
畫作 38與世無爭/Rabbit/10H x 12W inch
畫作 39老鼠與水果/Mouse and Fruits/16H x 22W inch
畫作 40貓頭鷹/Owl/50H x 30W inch
畫作 41全家福/Happy Family
畫作 42逍遙天岸/White Horse/30H x 40W inch
畫作 43聖誕紅/Poinsettia/22H x 20W inch
畫作 44雪山/Snow Mountains
畫作 45雪村/Snow Villa/22H x 20W inch
畫作 46雪江/Snow River
畫作 47秋色夕照/Fall Colors