Creation is not a making of something out of nothing or of one thing out of another, but a self-projection of Brahman into the conditions of Space and Time. (Sri Aurobindo) The Lord and the world, even when they seem to be distinct, are not really different from each other; they are one Brahman. (Sri Aurobindo)
Jadual kandungan
1. Brahman – The Unity
2. Transitional Thought – The Many
3. The Running of the Gods
4. The Principle of Life
5. Transitional Thought – The Waters
6. The Vision of the Brahman
II. THE DIVINE AND THE WORLD (Words of the Mother)
1. Understanding the Creation and the Creator
2. A Story to Understand the How of Creation
3. Descent of the Divine Love and an Uninterrupted Ascent
4. How Were Gods and Goddesses Born?
5. Divine Mother – The Creatrix
6. The Creation Is Not an Illusion
7. The Creation Is Not a Bad Joke
8. The Creation Is Not a “Fall”
9. The Why of Creation
10. The Purpose of Creation
11. The Intention of Nature
12. The Goal
13. Some Childish Notions
14. The Idea of “God the Creator”
15. The Seventh Creation
16. The Creation of Equilibrium
17. No Beginning, No End
18. The Whither of Creation
19. What is Being Done in the Eternity of Time
20. Universe: The Manifestation of the Divine
21. Who is He?
22. If All is He, Why We Do Not Feel Him
23. Creation and the Creator Are Not Separate
24. The Cause and Remedy of All Deformations
25. The Universe is Essentially Delight
26. Is it the Best that Happens at Every Minute?
27. Why a Progressive Universe
28. Time and Space
29. Consciousness: The Fundamental Thing in Existence
30. Central Motive of Terrestrial Existence
31. A Consciousness Simultaneously Individual and Total
32. Unity in Diversity
33. Beings on the Other Planets
34. The Final Goal!