Stefan Hecht obtained his doctorate under the guidance of Prof. Jean M. J. Fréchet at the University of California. After becoming a research investigator at Berlin, he is now group leader at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung. He has been a fellow of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and has received both the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation as well as the MIT Technology Review Top 100 Young Innovator Award.
Ivan Huc received his Ph D in 1994 from the Université of Paris VI, jointly supervided by Dr. C. Rolando (Ecole Normale Supérieure) and Prof. J. Rebek Jr. (MIT). After a post-doctoral period with Dr. J.-P. Behr in Illkirch, he received a CNRS researcher position in Nobel Prize winner Prof. J.-M. Lehn”s laboratories in Strasbourg, where he stayed until 1998. Since then, he has been a group leader at the Institut Européen de Chimie et Biologie (Bordeaux) where he holds a research director position.
3 Ebooks by Stefan Hecht
Stefan Hecht & Ivan Huc: Foldamers
This truly comprehensive treatise of foldamers, from synthesis to applications in bio-, material-, and nanoscience is at once an introduction to the topic, while providing in-depth accounts on variou …
Florian Auerochs & Lutz Bielefeldt: Kranke Tiere
In dieser Ausgabe von Tierstudien sind zehn wissenschaftliche und drei künstlerische Untersuchungen kranker Tiere versammelt. Lahme Pferde sprengen geschlechtliche Ordnungen, tollwutinfizierte Füchse …
Stefan Hecht: Wilde Tiere, fühlende Menschen
Anhand von Werken von Ludwig Ganghofer, Hermann Löns, Felix Salten, Waldemar Bonsels und Otto Alscher, die zwischen 1900 und 1943 erschienen sind und in denen die Jagd zentral ist, widmet sich dieser …