Brain-talk Meets God-talk is a story that begins in Egypt’s Eastern Desert.
In Part 1, it’s the year AD 356, and a wise old Christian fights his last spiritual battle in the darkness of the desert. Then time-leap forward to this decade in the United States and observe a Christian in Iowa fighting clinical depression.
Discover the connection between the men. Get ready for the hope found in a gift that links them, though they are 1, 600 years apart in time and thousands of miles distant in culture and country. They both find serenity and climb out of despair.
Brain-talk Meets God-talk is primarily an instruction manual.
Part 2 is the majority of the book with step-by-step teaching of how to find serenity with a new type of Christian meditation that counters depression and anxiety.
Included are 19 illustrations that show HOW to meditate.
There are 18 Daily Focus meditations with Scriptures that focus on the attributes of God, and each Daily Focus can be used twice to give the reader 36 consecutive days to develop new neural paths and override old and erroneous thinking about God.
There are no controversial doctrines nor does it borrow techniques from Eastern religions. There is a clear focus to honor the Trinity as the reader purposefully and safely make changes in the brain to experience neuroplasticity.
Steps 1-5 teach the method.
- Follow clear step-by-step directions.
- Merge neurology and theology.
- Enjoy over 30 days of Daily Focus scripts for meditation.
- Cultivate serenity for 20 minutes every day to begin a lifetime of health for the brain.
Jadual kandungan
Part 1: Sparks and Storms
Ancient Sandstorms
Another Khamsin
Furious Winds
Wind Chill
Gentle Breezes
Part 2: Rewire and Recover
Begin Here
Step 1: Dig Around
Step 2: Dig Out
Step 3: Dig Straight
Step 4: Dig In
Step 5: Dig Deep
Daily Focus ONE: All-Knowing God
Daily Focus TWO: Everywhere-Present God
Daily Focus THREE: All-Powerful God
Daily Focus FOUR: Self-Existent God
Daily Focus FIVE: Self-Sufficient God
Daily Focus SIX: All-Wise God
Daily Focus SEVEN: Gracious God
Daily Focus EIGHT: Merciful God
Daily Focus NINE: God Is Just
Daily Focus TEN: Unchangeable God
Daily Focus ELEVEN: Eternal God
Daily Focus TWELVE: Infinite God
Daily Focus THIRTEEN: God Is Love
Daily Focus FOURTEEN: God Is Good
Daily Focus FIFTEEN: God Is Holy
Daily Focus SIXTEEN: Truthful God
Daily Focus SEVENTEEN: Transcendent God
Daily Focus EIGHTEEN: Sovereign God
Why You Hesitate
Roots in Hinduism
Roots in Buddhism
Chinese Taoism
Christian Mysticism and Contemplation
Restoring Your Soul
Helpful Books
Internet Shout Outs
Index of Scripture Verses
About the Author
What’s Next?