It was 1984 in Europe, a time well before the internet and Brexit. Cycling had yet to become a passion for ‘middle aged men in Lycra’ and was regarded as an economical way to get from one place to another.
Steve (an Englishman) brings this period to life, through a humorous account of his cycling journey with his Aussie girlfriend, Jenny, as they peddle through the byways of Europe. Experiencing the French and their love of food and life; the Italians, who seemed to hug everything and everyone in a passionate embrace; the Swiss with their well-ordered existence; the Germans, who closely resembled the British, but with better beer; and the Dutch, whose capital, Amsterdam, had the sort of laissez faire attitude the French could only dream about.
A story that will appeal to those of us with a love for Europe in its pre-Euro diversity, when cycle touring was unusual, and going ‘off grid’ wasn’t an option for which you had to pay extra.
Jadual kandungan
C o n t e n t s
Chapter 1 Planning and getting organised
Chapter 2 Training our bodies and minds for the trip
Chapter 3 Getting started: London to Lyon
Chapter 4 Our Route de vin
Chapter 5 The French Riviera: Marseille to Menton
Chapter 6 Easing into Italy, the Italian Riviera and the mountains
Chapter 7 Pisa and Firenze
Chapter 8 Roma and Venezia
Chapter 9 Switzerland, Germany and up the Rhine
Chapter 10 Amsterdam and home