It’s Good Weather for Fudge: Conversing with Carson Mc Cullers, Sue Walker imagines a friendship and conversation with Mc Cullers as they share memories of two women growing up in the Deep South, Mc Cullers in Georgia and Walker in Alabama. The past becomes the present in this poem that ranges from love and war to sickness and health, fudge and friendship. Its many allusions to the life and works of Carson Mc Cullers make it a kind of poetic biography.
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SUE BRANNAN WALKER is professor emerita at the University of South Alabama, where she taught literature and creative writing for thirty-five years. She has served as president of the Alabama Writers Forum, the Alabama State Poetry Society, and the Alabama Writers Conclave and is the editor and publisher of Negative Capability Press. From 2003 to 2012, she was Poet Laureate of Alabama. She has published ten books of poetry, a play, numerous book reviews, and many critical articles. Her book In the Realm of Rivers: Alabama’s Mobile-Tensaw Delta, with a foreword by Edward O. Wilson, was published by New South Books in 2005.