In this first comprehensive authorized biography of David Brower, a dynamic leader in the environmental movement over the last half of the twentieth century, Tom Turner explores Brower’s impact on the movement from its beginnings until his death in 2000.
Frequently compared to John Muir, David Brower was the first executive director of the Sierra Club, founded Friends of the Earth, and helped secure passage of the Wilderness Act, among other key achievements. Tapping his passion for wilderness and for the mountains he scaled in his youth, he was a central figure in the creation of the Point Reyes National Seashore and of the North Cascades and Redwood national parks. In addition, Brower worked tirelessly in successful efforts to keep dams from being built in Dinosaur National Monument and the Grand Canyon.
Tom Turner began working with David Brower in 1968 and remained close to him until Brower’s death. As an insider, Turner creates an intimate portrait of Brower the man and the decisive role he played in the development of the environmental movement. Culling material from Brower’s diaries, notebooks, articles, books, and published interviews, and conducting his own interviews with many of Brower’s admirers, opponents, and colleagues, Turner brings to life one of the movement’s most controversial and complex figures.
Jadual kandungan
Foreword by Bill Mc Kibben
Prologue: A Tense Meeting in the Mountains
1 • From Berkeley to the Sierra: An Outdoorsman Is Born
2 • Yosemite
3 • Into the Sierra Club
4 • Love and War
5 • A Sierra Club Leader Emerges
6 • The Battle Against Dams in Dinosaur
7 • The Battle for Wilderness
8 • Big Books for a Cause
9 • Growing Pains and Saving the Grand Canyon
10 • Uncivil War
11 • From Archdruid to Friend of the Earth
12 • Friends of the Earth Takes on the World
13 • A Resumption of Hostilities
14 • Back to the Sierra Club
15 • The End of the Trail
Appendix: Books Published under the Editorial Direction of David R. Brower
Mengenai Pengarang
Tom Turner has worked at the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund, and Earthjustice. He is the author of Wild by Law; Sierra Club: 100 Years of Protecting Nature; Justice on Earth; Roadless Rules; and hundreds of articles and op-eds on the environment.